
An Album For Ava

Yesterday you saw an adorable photo of baby Ava. Well, I couldn't possibly have gone to visit her empty handed, so I created this sweet little mini album (quickly) to give to her Mom. The papers are all from the amazingly adorable Big Top Birthday Collection by Samantha Walker for Creative Imaginations. I was in a hurry and totally bummed that I didn't have the stickers to go with it because they would have been perfect, but I didn't have time to run to the store so I decided to add some of Samantha Walker's super cute Holey Cardstock and tossed in some stickers from American Crafts along with some fabulous May Arts ribbon and the whole thing came together super fast!

Ava Album

This is the front of the album. The stamps are Stamp'n Up! and 100 Proof Press (kewpie doll).

The base is a REALLY SUPER cute chipboard album from the Creative Imaginations Bare Elements line.

Ava Album (back)

The back of the album is simple and cute.

Below, I will show you the inside pages...I did, however, feel like something was missing, so after I took these shots (and shortly before I walked out the door to see her....) I added three small gem stones, one blue, one pink, and one yellow in a loose cluster on each page. I'm sad that I don't have shots with that because it was EXACTLY what was needed and finished it off nicely. It's so hard to create without the photos in hand, but this way she has a uniform way to cut the photos and quickly add them....seeing as being the mother of a newborn makes you kinda busy! LOL!





I had a lot of fun creating this little album, even if it was a super quick project...sometimes those are even more fun! LOL!

Ava Album


  1. Super sweet and what a cute little onesie design! Bet they'll love this gift :)

  2. Adorable, and I like your choice of papers!

  3. Love the "onesie" shape and all the little details!

  4. Just so cute! Sure it will be appreciated!

  5. Oh wow, what a fabulous creation, Jingle!

  6. OMG!!!! Jennifer, this is so ADORABLE!!! I know the parents will LOVE it and when litte AVA gets bigger I bet she will treasure it!!! Hugs..

  7. Really cute! The mom will just love it I'm sure.

  8. WOW you did an awesome job on this mini!!! I loveee this!!

  9. What a wonderful memory keepsake mini book. You did a great job...as always!!

  10. OH my gosh this is too cute! A LOT of love went into this project! How long does it take you to put something like this together?

  11. wow, a lot of work went into that, it is beautiful and such a treasure for Ava!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  12. Adorable. Such a thoughtful and wonderful present.

  13. Headed BACK out of town SOOOON until just before Easter, but wanted to pop by and read your posts! You have been B-U-S-Y! And this darling album is FABULOUS, Jen! Almost enough - I said ALMOST - to make me want another baby! LOL! Okay - maybe not a BABY at 60 years old. Just an ALBUM! BWAHAHAHA! Seriously cute, your art!!!! HUGS! Talk to you when I get home again!

  14. Another adorable project by the wonderful Ms J. Ingle! xoxox

  15. Just love the sweetness of this album, especially since it is for a sweet baby. Who says albums have to be square!LOL. Great piece. take care,gerri

  16. I *heart* the onesie album. How cute! TFS!

  17. Ohhh this is adorable.
    I need to make a mini for my great nephew. Love this shape.

  18. Oh how super sweet and adorable Jennifer!!

  19. Wow! must have taken hours to make... well, it would take me weeks!

  20. Such a cute and fun shape for your mini. And love that little doll on the cover

  21. That album is totally and completely adorable. :) Theresa

  22. Awesome album! Love the fun design of each page!

  23. Wow! I love it. It's just too cute!

  24. girlfriend, i LOVE this. the kewpie is too sweet, and i'm loving all your little details like the buttons and sequins and the funky mats for the photos. FANTASTIC! and the album - such a fun shape!

    i hope you're okay! worried over here!


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