
It's Friends With Flair Friday and I played with Samantha Walker Stamps!!!

***If you are looking for One World One Heart, this is not the post to win! Please see the note below my header!***

I am joining in a super fun blog hop today! It's Friends With Flair with Unity Stamps! YAY!!!! If you came from Cindy's blog you must already be hopping along! If not, you can get started over at the Unity blog!

My Heart Valentine (1)

I used a super fun stamp set, Bones About Halloween by Samantha Walker for Unity.

Yup. You read that right. I used Halloween stamps for a Valentine's card. FUN!!!

My Heart Valentine (close)

The papers and that adorable patterned ribbon are all Samantha Walker for Creative Imaginations. I added the words around the edges with a pen. The heart is punched and then added with foam adhesive for extra POP! LOVE IT! Actually, I totally thought of another idea for a Valentine with this set, so you may see another one soon!

The next stop on the hop trail is Angie over at My Scraptastic World!

Leave a comment to let me know you were here! I love to know what you are thinking! Happy Friday, folks!


  1. O wow, a Halloween stamp for Valentines day, lol. The heart embellie is gorgeous too. ~Diane

  2. Love you halloween Valentine mixture, well done!

  3. So cooool! I need to tell my friend Cherie who was worried she wasn't going to be on everyone else's page in a Valentine swap because - instead of reds or pinks - she did red & black! She'll REALLY love this! So do I! You rock, Jen!

  4. Such a creative use for Halloween stamps! Cute!

  5. Love this. What a great idea!!!


  6. What a great way to use the Halloween set for other holidays! I love the little heart on there! So cute!

  7. You are my kind of girl adding Halloween to everything. My favorite holiday is Halloween. To old to much now but I dress up for Trick or Treaters. I hope I win this prize I really do. Thanks for stopping by my blog Blossoms Bloomer and the lovely comment on the The Queen Wears Boot.

  8. Okay kiddo, I am trying twice for the great Halloween Valentine cards. I absolutlyyyyyyyyyyyy love them. Thanks for stopping by my blog Blossoms Bloomer and the lovely comment on the The Queen Wears Boot.

  9. Love the way that you repurposed that halloween stamp! This really rocks! Love the touch from adding the pop dot under the heart! Great card!!!

  10. Way to think outside of the box Jen...Using a halloween stamp for valentines day!!You just may get my creative juices flowing!

  11. This is so cute! You are so clever to use that ribcage from a Halloween set for Valentine's Day! Thanks for joining us for FWF!

  12. Here is what I'm thinking: First, cute cards!!!!!! Second, I mentioned to Unity Stamp Co. that they need to make a cute gnome stamp like your Just Jingle guy. He's soooooo cute!!!

  13. You are so clever! I just love the mix of Samantha;s Halloween with Valentines!! Love it!!

  14. There you go again...you creative cat! YOU have totally put a fresh new spin on something by using it so unexpectedly. Love your twist!

  15. YEAH!!!!! You played with us!!!! LOVE this card girl!!! hugs, Katrina

  16. Love those stamp! Great idea for a card!

  17. Jennifer, your creativity never cease to amaze me...who would have thought of using Halloween stamps for Valentine's day and pull it off??? Genius!!!! Love it!!!

  18. AMAZING! I would never have thought to do that and it is just SO cute!

  19. Happy Happy Happy Friday! You just are a HOOT! Have a great weekend! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen

  20. wow, stunning card and how clever to adapt your Halloween set for Valentines, hugs debx

  21. fun Jennifer- love your take on this valentine!!

  22. It's amazing what you did with stamps.

  23. Very pretty! You are so multi-talented!


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