
It's February! For REALS? Skipping Stones Sketch Tuesday!

Welcome to February, folks! It's a good month in many ways...we've got OWOH going on (see yesterday's post), we have Valentine's Day on it's way and that is always fun, and, of course, my birthday shall arrive in just under two weeks making February simply the best month of the year! HA!!!

We also have a new Guest Sketch Designer over at Skipping Stones Design! The marvelously talented Lea Lawson has provide the sketches for this month and they are quite fun!

Love you

If you visit Skipping Stones Design you can see the sketch and participate for a chance to win a fun prize!!! My card is created with two fun sets...a quick peak of the soon to be released Pumpkin Seeds set (sentiment) and one of my favorite SSD sets, Healing Wings.

Love You Close

I have to be honest with you guys. 'Cause, well, you're my friends and I don't like to lie. The verdict is still out on this card for me. I loved the sketch, I just don't know if I used it as well as I could have. Do you ever have that happen when you create? Love the concept, just not sure it got there? *sigh* I don't know. Sometimes when I come back later I see it differently, but this one is still sort of sketchy.

HA!!! SKETCHY! I so didn't mean to do that, but it's funny, I gotta say! HA!

Well, that's my card for today. I hope you leave a happy comment and I also hope you do check out the One World One Heart post from yesterday! Join in! It's wicked fun!!!!

Today I am linking with the following parties:

Get Your Craft On Tuesday


  1. well, I love what you've done with the sketch..who can resist all that fun pink?!!

  2. Love the monochromatic pink tones. Great card, Jingle! I like how you offset the center part of the sketch.

  3. I love this card Miss Jingle...the delicate sketch of a pink idea...wonderful. Check out my Monday Inchie...we have a new baby in our family! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  4. Well, I LOVE your card! I think the butterfly is so significant because - sigh - after all, love is soooooo elusive! Seriously, Jen - you are an awesome paper person!

  5. This is so sweet and perfect for Valentine's Day!! Love it! Great use of the sketch too! ♥♥♥

  6. Oh so pretty in pink!

    Did you get a lot of snow? Ice?

  7. So pretty Jingle! Happy advance birthday to u!!! i Love the pink card!

  8. Great card Jennifer!! It is so soft and girly!!

  9. I really love it! You're so incredibly talented!

  10. I think your card turned out perfect. but in answer to your question, I have made many things that I wasnt sure about afterwords. I've also made things that I didnt really like and gave them away only to see them way later at someones house and then think, "oh wow, I made that? how cute that is!" lol!
    anyways.. great card
    have a great day

  11. Would love for you to join us at the Hugs and Kisses Valentine's Party!

  12. luv the softness of the card and use my fav embellie, Butterfly.

    Don't forget to link it in our linking party this week.



  13. How sweet very very pretty I love you card too!


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