
Happy Birthday!

Saturday was my birthday.  And I didn't post, I KNOW!  That's horrible, but I'm posting now, so it's all good, right?  Right. K.  It was actually QUITE fabulous.  I spent the day with The Hubbums.  He took me to the mall to check out the camera he is getting me for my birthday!!!  YAY!!!!  NEW CAMERA!!!!  They didn't have the right model for me to check out, but we still wandered a bit, stopped at the crepe and gelato place for lunch (*LOVE!!!*) and enjoyed the time together.  We went to Barnes and Noble for a bit for tea and Italian Soda and hung out there for awhile, and then we met my parents at a great Mexican place near my house for dinner where they 'kindly' let the waitstaff know it was my birthday so they could sing Feliz Cumpleanos and put whipped cream on my nose.  Yay.  HA!  It was fun!  Overall, a GREAT day!  Plus, I now have a subscription to Art Doll Quarterly thanks to The Hubbums and an adorable new dress from my parents that I LOVE!!!  And my sister gave me a super cute Keep Calm and Eat Cupcakes journal!  *CUTENESS!*  Overall, a great day.  Sunday was pretty good, too, actually.

But, alas, I have a birthday card to share with you since, well, it was my birthday!  Hee-hee!  A simple one, but sometimes I think simple is perfect!

Happy Birthday

Simple white cardtock base, with tapes from Modes4U and a stamped Sentiment from Skipping Stones!  Love it!

Anyway, I hope you had a fabulous weekend!  Happy Valentine's Day!

Jingle Out.


  1. Oh yes - Happy Birthday on the weekend!! Hope you had a fab day!

    Deanne :)

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful day - Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy birthday! Sounds like you had a perfect day!

  4. Happy birthday! Beautiful card!

  5. I am glad to hear you had a great b-day!

  6. Happy (belated) birthday, Jingle! All the best, and many happy returns, and if it's your birthday you have to buy stash every day for a week! Glad you had such a lovely day! Hugs, Valerie-Jael

  7. happy birthday!! and i love the card! very cute!

  8. YAY to having such an awesome bd! Your swap package/bd gift is currently on the UPS truck out for delivery to you TODAY! Honest - I didn't forget your bd! Love the darling bd card! And WOW - to a new camera, the cupcake journal, and ADQ subscription. THAT ROCKS! So do YOU! Chocolate-covered hugs, lil' Jen!

  9. A very happy birthday to you! Sounds like a lovely day!

  10. Sounds like a really fabulous birthday!!

  11. Adorable card! Happy, late, birthday :)

  12. HAPPY (belated) birthday!!!! Mine is this Thursday - so we are kindred spirits, lol!
    I hope you had a wonderful time and have fun with that new subscription, xoxo

  13. sounds like your birthday was FAB and the card is adorable!

  14. ••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿●••••●✿Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ✿●••
    Happy belated birthday!!!!

  15. Well happy birthday to you! I hope you had a fabulous time celebrating.

  16. Happy belated birthday sweet Jingle! We all love you to pieces!

    I hope you have a terrific birthday week!


  17. Happy Birthday! The card is darling. Sounds like you had a great day, I love the Keep Calm and Eat Cupcakes stuff, too cute!

  18. Happy belated birthday and Happy Valentines day too!

  19. happy birthday and the card is fabulous! love those ribbon (or paper) strips!

  20. Happy Belated Birthday to you ... and Happy Valentine's Day, too!

    Pssst...will there be a piccy of you with whipped cream on your nose any time soon?

  21. Happy Belated Birthday!

    And Happy Valentine's Day:-)

  22. Belated Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines Day too.

  23. Happy belated birthday! Love the card! The white makes the rest of it pop!

  24. Every time I read Art Doll Q I think of you and your dolls! Next step--publishing with them! Happy Birthday!

  25. Glad you had such a fun celebration for your birthday! Only get to do it once a year! Very nice card! Happy Valentine's Day!

  26. Great festive card! Happy belated birthday!

  27. Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!! and this card is simply lovely. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  28. Sounds like a perfect day to me.
    Happy Birthday. Cute card :)

  29. LOVE the tapes, fabby little card, a fun day, WOOT for the camera, and YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, lovely girl! :) glad to hear the day was fabby, like you! xo

  30. happy birthday fellow aquaribum (cuter than saying aquarias ~_~)
    tis my wee birthday on thursday and i shall celebrate it with a hightea on the following day...cant wait!!

    sounds like you had a fantabulous time.

  31. Fun, fun, fun - and happy belated birthday lovely!!

  32. Hope you had a super fantastic birthday celebration!!!! :) Theresa

  33. Well HAPPY HAPPY Belated Birthday, Sounds like it was a wonderful one too. Any chance you can get your hubbums to put in my hubbums ear about I need a new camera too.! LOL
    hugs Lynn


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