
My Upcycled Fabric Wreath

I mean, really? What else was I going to do with a couple of old pillows and a wire hanger? For reals?

Upcycled Fabric Wreath

Let me tell you how this fun little wreath came to be.

My dog got sick because she chewed a plastic soda bottle. My OTHER dog's bed, therefore, had to be washed. The cover comes right off for washing, however, the inside needed washing, too, and, well, it came out kind of lumpy and a lot less FLUFFY. (Be sure to read the word FLUFFY as though you are Agnes from Despicable Me ever. single. time. It will just make your day more fun. Trust me on this one.) SOOOOO....The Hubbums decided to upcycle some old pillows that were in the trunk in the basement and so he promptly unstuffed them and used the batting to make a new inside for Maggie's bed. And NOW it is SO FLUFFY!!!!! WELLLLLLL....that left a couple of empty pillows....hmmmm...not sure they could really be called pillows anymore, but you know. WELL, I couldn't just let THOSE go in the trash, now could I? Nope. Nosirreeebob.



...the fabric wreath. I promptly plopped myself on the couch with a pair of pinking sheers and the pillow casings and cut lots and lots and lots and lots of small strips from the fabric.

Then, I grabbed a white wire coat hanger and tied lots and lots and lots and lots of small strips of cut fabric onto the hanger after shaping it into a lovely wreath shape. *Be sure to bend a hook or loop into the top for hanging!*

THEN...I added a sparkly red ribbon because I happen to like red Lots and lots and lots AND because I figure Valentine's day is coming AND I can always change the ribbon for the seasons AND 'cause I like it THAT'S WHY!!!!

And now I have a fabulous, simple, wonderful upcycled fabric wreath. And I love it. Lots.

And lots and lots.

Just say'n.

Upcycled fabric wreath

I am joining the following parties:



  1. Wow!! I love that wreath.

  2. This is so ace! Can I persuade my dog to be sick so I can make one too???...oh wait! look, there's a great length of fabric in the rag bag just waiting for a project!!

    Hee Heee!!

  3. Fabulous "green" project! Very lovely!

  4. What a fantastic upcycled piece!!! I hope your sick dog is ok now! ~Val

  5. fantastic! And this is exactly why I have so much junk I can't throw away! There's bound to be something to do with it right!

  6. Hope PUP is feeling better...always hate when our furbabies are not well. LOVE this wreath!! It does feel so good to design but feels even better when we take something and repurpose it. Ya did goood Kiddo.


  7. Hope your wee dog is all better now!!
    Love your wreath - amazing!!!
    Hugs, Ann xxx

  8. great wreath! You can add eggs to it at Easter! Also Despicable Me is too cute and that's one of our fave quotes!

  9. If its wire you could bend it into a heart shape for Valentine's - just sayin'

  10. I love FLUFFY!!! That laugh made my day ;)

  11. I think I have a crafty crush on you. :) What a fantastic idea!!!

  12. This is a lovely idea, looks so happy!

  13. hee hee - I love despicable me. That's such a great movie! Thanks for the Fluffy - that does make ya smile! :)

    LOVE the wreath - very creative and green and useful! I have lots of old pillows that I may just have to do this with! great idea!

  14. Terrific upcycling, brill. Annette x

  15. Ooh, it's a beauty! you are one multitalented chic!

  16. Look at you! Another amazing project :)

  17. That wreath is just sooooo cute! Lovely Valentine colors. Hope your furry baby is feeling better! Theresa

  18. I like the idea of making the circle into a heart shape for a later date for February. You continue to amaze me kiddo with the blue hair! O:}
    Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  19. Now this is a fun project.
    Love how it turned out.
    Well this was a win, win situation, doggy got a better bed and you got to create

  20. This is such a fantastic project, and I love the bright pop of red.

  21. Pretty! and Fluffy! Pretty Fluffy!

  22. Excellent idea!!Great looking wreath!!Hugs,Cat

  23. good for you and I am sure that Maggie is very grateful that you and her Daddy recycle!
    Wonderful! So what is next. I mean lots and lots and lots I am sure.;D

  24. girlfriend, this is FABULOUS! so simple (just lots of cuttin') and the pinking shears were the perfect touch for those frilly little edges! i LOVE IT! going to look for some pillows now... ;)


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