
The Fairy Child

I missed you guys!!!! Thank you so much for the Anniversary wishes! I got to spend the entirety of last week just hanging out with my fabulous husband! It was SO wonderful! We were supposed to head to Denver the day after Christmas, but our flight was canceled, so we were not able to go, as they couldn't get us on another flight until yesterday, but, alas, we decided to have a fun week together at home! It really was so great! We were bummed that we didn't get to see The Hubbums' parents, as planned, but we are going to make plans to do that soon...perhaps not in a snow storm. HA!

I actually took the week off from creating for the most part, too. I think it is good sometimes to just step back for a few days and let life inspire you and allow some ideas to pile up instead of just jumping right in. So, I let myself do that for the week, too. But, boy when I stepped back into my studio I was PRODUCTIVE! I had a great time!

This is the first of the projects I am excited to share with you!

Fairy Child

Fairy Child

Fairy Child was inspired by the White Glitter Challenge over at Gingersnap Creations. When I saw the challenge I knew I wanted to just COVER something with fabulous glitter, 'cause, well, that's just always a good plan. Just say'n. SO....I stumbled upon this old salt shaker in my studio, and the ideas began to form!

Fairy Child Close

The child (Tyler) and the wings (Monarch Wings) are both Scrolls Work stamps. I also overstamped the wings with the Braker stamp from Scrolls Work. I love layering stamped images!

Fairy Child Wing

Here you can see a close up of the wing stamped on patterned paper and overstamped with the Braker image.

I pieced together the clothing using the Circa 1934 line from Cosmo Cricket. I love how these papers worked so well for this!

Fairy Child

So, there you have The Fairy Child. Love? Yes. Love super lots? Totally. Just say'n.

AND...I just wanted to tell you guys about, THIS, too!!!!

Check it out at WWW.SCROLLSWORK.COM!

Anyway, it's good to be back!

Jingle Out! HAHAHAHA!!!!


  1. Oooo thats so cute and such good ideas :D
    Julie xx

  2. This is a fabby altered piece loving your fairy

    Happy New Year.

    It's our anniversary on the 6th how wonderful to be married to such a fabby hubby as I am sure you are too. Shame about the travel arrangements but a weekend alone sounds pretty good to me he he

    Love Dawn xx

  3. Absolutely adorable, love the paper piecing and ... all the glitter!

  4. Adorable! How I luv the cr8tivity in this piece, sure but a big smile on my face! xxoo

  5. Looks awesome! Love the paper piecing too! ~Diane

  6. So cute!!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful week!

  7. Sorry that you missed out on your travel plans, but safety first! Have a wonderful anniversary celebration. How fun! Love your fairy project! The wings are cool!

  8. I'm glad you enjoyed your anniversary! Your fairy is adorable!

  9. Love your altered condiment pot, fab centrepiece. Annette x

  10. Gorgeous project that just screams JINGLE all over it! :) Your work is as unique as you are! Love it!

    Happy New Year, friend!

  11. Its Darling! so sorry you didn't get to take your trip.

  12. This reminds me of the little cup guy on Sesame street!! "You can't tell a hero by his size. I'm just a teeny little super guy!!"

    But your little fairy is so much cuter! Love it!!
    Happy New year and welcome back!!

  13. Owwwww Jennifer...you know that adore all of your work..so talented but I do believe..no no I know that this is my favorite. You totally out did yourself with this beauty.

    So sad you didn't get to go visit inlaws but sooo happy that you and DH had a marvelous time together. Yeah...I think planning a non snow day would be a better plan..LOL!!


  14. gorgeous little shaker!! Love the clothes!!

  15. Jen, I don't know WHICH is cuter - your darling fairy or YOU! LOL! I don't care how crummy I feel, I can come over here & you always make me smile! I'm SO glad you and your sweety had a great week together! I'm about to take a VERY much needed vacation in a couple of days. Just a week - but YAY for that! HUGS to you!

  16. Nice to have you back! What a darling fairy guy... reminds me of the package I MUST get off to you this week! You and Jessie girl share the same glitter affection which makes me smile.

    Happy New Year!

  17. Darling glittery project- love the fabulous wings too. Hope you can get to Colorado soon! Happy New Year

  18. He's adorable. Sorry you couldn't make it to Denver. Happy New Year!!

  19. it is adorable Jingle and Congrats on your anniversary with the hubbers. LOL Hope you get your trip to Denver soon.

  20. He is just too cute for words...your camera work is fabulous! I am so glad you had a great anniversary...you two are so sweet! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  21. Aww that sucks that you couldn't visit relatives, but nice that you got to just veg with the hubby.
    Cute project

  22. your fairy child is truly a magical, lovely piece! glad you had a nice break from everything and wishing you all kinds of good things in the new year. xo

  23. I'm so happy to hear that you didn't let a snowstorm get in the way of having a wonderful time with your hubbums. :) And I love your little fairy child - it's so sweet and innocent. You made some great design choices here! Theresa

  24. What glittery magic you have created ... I love the pop of color on the cute little boots ... so glad you could sharing your White Glitter goodness at Gingersnap Creations.


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