
100 Proof Moxie Fab- We Are Talking Hard Core Rubber, folks! {WOYWW}

Stamps, my friends! Not 100 Proof liquor. Sorry for those who came looking for that. HA! ACTUALLY, I'm super excited to tell you about 100 Proof Press!!! This stamp company has been around for over 30 years! Yes, you read that correctly, THIRTY years! If you've been in the industry long, you know that is a LOOOONG time and quite impressive! AND...it is now under new ownership!!! The fabulous Sara Vukson has taken over and is already doing a bang up job with the company!!!

Sara sent me some stamps to show off and they honestly just arrived like two days ago, but I simply HAD to do a quick project with one last night because, well, quite frankly, I can't just let fresh rubber sit on my desk unused! HA!

happily.  ever.  after.  (3)

Ummmm...yup. AWESOME images! Seriously! The catalog is AMAZING!!! This is just one of the images she sent, so you will be seeing some really fun projects coming up! 'Cause, seriously...just looking at these stamps is inspiring! No. For reals, folks. For. REALS.

happily.  ever.  after.  2

This card was not only inspired by this amazing stamp, but also by the seriously fabulous Moxie Fab Monochromatic Color Inspiration Challenge. Can you say PINKNESS???? Actually, the combo seemed really tricky for me at first, but as soon as this stamp arrived I had the PERFECT idea and now I am loving the monochromatic pinks! LOVING THEM!!!!

happily.  ever.  after.  (4)

So...wanna know what my workspace looks like? Well, it DID look like a pink explosion, but I managed to get the papers scraps cleaned up last night! LOL!

WOYWW 1/26

Now, it just has minor pinkness remnants, a new bucket of spice drops to replace the former bucket of jelly hearts, and more RUBBER!!! I can't wait to play with those other images! Seriously...just LOOK at them!!! You know you wish you were here right now. Just admit it. Me, my crazy blue hair, spice drops, and 100 Proof Press image goodness! It's like a tiny slice of heaven, folks. A tiny. slice. of. heaven. Just Say'n.

Today is totally feeling like a Jingle Out kind of day, so prepare yourselves, ladies and gentlemen. Prepare yourselves. 'Cause it's totally coming.

Jingle. OUT!

Just Say'n. ;-)

P.S. To check out more fabulous workspaces totally head over to The Stamping Ground! Join in! It's wicked fun!


  1. Lovely card and the images are great.

  2. Your card is really gorgeous, I love the stamp and the shades of pink you have used :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #84

  3. ~a beautifully sweet pink card...and pink SPICE DROPS??? where ever did you find them??? wishing you a wonderful day ahead...much love light and blessings~

  4. Ooooooh - this sure is pretty! I love it!

    Deanne :)

  5. Smashing card and loving those stamps Jingle. Annette x

  6. AWESOMENESS....AGAIN!!! This card is well awesome. I really like the hues of pink. Something about pinks and even browns give anything a vintage look. I'm going to have to go and check this site out..thanks for the FYI!!


    Ohhh so wish we were close enough to have a "make it" day.

  7. love this image and the pink card you made with it.

  8. Wow! The detail is amazing in that stamp! I can't wait to see the others. ~Val

  9. Beautiful card Jingle, I just adore pink, so your worktable excited me a bit, lol. I'd come over if you were closer and pink the place up a bit more!

  10. Great card! Those stamps are amazing.

  11. Great details in those images! Love the card!

  12. Ooooh, these stamps are really good, and the sweeties looks good ,too!

  13. Beautiful stamps with great detail. Love your card!

  14. Awesome!

    ...and wow are those stamps HUGE! Sheesh!

    HUGS Jingle!

  15. Jennifer, this is one AMAZINGLY gorgeous card...love that stamp and how you used it and the pretty bling with the flower, too!

  16. Love the pink. Never heard of that company before, but can't wait to see more from them!

  17. Wow...love the transition from the pinks to reds....and that stamp is awesome!!!

  18. Great desk... fabbly organised..love the sweeties
    Sarah - Stressed Stamper #31

  19. i haven't bought any new stamps for a while now, but i love the little buildings!! your card is really sweet in pink!!

  20. New rubber, yummy ink pads.. stuff the pink i'm green with envy lol
    Great card, lovely crisp images.
    Thanks for visiting me {always},
    Happy Wednesday and yes i will blog the winged thing when i know what i'm doing with it lol
    Minxy #1

  21. That turned out fantastic!!

    I had a question for you about stamps...I am looking for one of those rolling letter/number stamps to make words (I am trying to make conversation hearts)...any suggestions?

  22. I love this card and your stamps...we could share ours together if we lived closer!!! Lovely! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen
    p.s. we are getting more snow tomorrow...yikes

  23. Ink, stamps, cards...count me in! Love all the stash on your desk. I need to look into that stamp line love the old houses lined up! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #59

  24. i truly adore your happily ever after card. beautful use of color and repetition. wonderful xo michele

  25. How pretty :-) As ever you always look so busy.
    A x

  26. Oh this is just stunning!!! Love it!

  27. YUMMYLICIOUS! My entire bedroom is all about pink & white with a 'dot or two' of Spring green tossed in! (Yeah, yeah! I admit it. I'm a 60-year-old GIRLY-GIRL! LOL!) I don't SUPPOSE you may consider SELLING that piece????? Hmmmmmm????

  28. Those stamps are really special and I love what you have done with them.

  29. Super cute card, wonderful busy workspace. Love all the stamps

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #7

  30. So cute! Nice share. I am really fascinated with your works.

  31. Hard core rubber? Sounds like a crafters porn movie LOL...

  32. This stamp is awesome!! And so is your card.

  33. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for entering the Monochromatics Challenge in the Color Inspiration for Card Makers Week suite of six challenges in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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