
Yes, folks, I am back in full force! {WOYWW}

Wanna know how you can tell?

WOYWW 1Dec2010

My desk is officially a disaster once again! YAY! Okay, so no...not yay that it is a mess and I am digging for workspace, but YAY that I HAVE one and that my stuff is unpacked (mostly) and I can work in my new studio!!! We are going to IKEA this weekend and I am hoping to replace the Expedit (smaller one) that I lost so I can finish up the room. I love it, though! The set up is the same as my old room for the most part, with some things shuffled to accomodate the new room size and shape, but the walls are a wonderful tan color and I have purple curtains! FUN!!!!

I have several projects going on my desk at the moment. I just printed up that image the other day, actually, and I hope to do a transfer onto fabric to create something cool with it. I haven't done a transfer like that in a really long time, so this could be interesting! HA! Under that I am working on a few fabric type projects, including a new little doll. I've also got a lot of rubber that needs to meet some ink!

WOYWW 1Dec2010

This side shows off some cards I've been working on. I posted one of them yesterday and another was posted over on the ScrollsWork blog the other day. AND...there is another really cute one there that I will probably post tomorrow or sometime soon!

Here is a closer look at that joy card that was on the ScrollsWork!


The stamp is the Joy Holly stamp and I embossed the entire image in gold. After that I sprayed it with Luminarte Shimmer Mist to give it that awesome shimmering pink background! I SO wish you could see the shimmer on this card! It made it really tricky to photograph, though! LOL! It sparkles SOOOO much! I love it!

I hope you have a super fabulous day!!!!


  1. YIKES about the desk, and love the card!!

  2. lots going on on your desk! and love the card! very pretty

  3. LOL!! I'm pretty sure I function better in a messy environment... :)

  4. Ha - now I don't feel so bad when I look at my desk. :)

    Ok...so yours is a wee bit neater.

  5. Its funny but when I'm working stuff looks like that too but it works for me - what can I say :)


  6. I think we need to find you a side desk to store your "extras" on so we can keep your workspace clean! :) Love the card and all the shimmer!

  7. Love this, looks so sparkly! ~Diane

  8. LOVE that you are BACK!!! I always love a messy desk...well unless of course it's mine..cause I can never find what I'm looking for..LOL!!

    Love the card...pretty pretty shiney shiney!! Looking forward to seeing all the other things you are working on too.

    I have a new "How to" on my blog..come and take a peek!!!


  9. Such a lovely sparkly WOYWW post - I love it!!

  10. WOW I love sparkly!! and OMG do you actually have space to work on that desk, am asuming there is a desk under that lot hehe. Love the other card as well thats on your desk and intrigued to see what you do with that image you have printed out xx (121)

  11. LOL, looks like my dining room table at the moment. I wish I had a studio.

  12. It must feel great to have all your goodies nearby so you can PLAY to your heart's content. As always, you created such an awesome card. :) Theresa

  13. Hahah! Love your desk! Mine is the same; messy when I've been productive!
    Love the card!!

  14. Holy moly! You gots a lot going on in there! Isn't it the best feeling EVER?

  15. Lovely busy and creative desk!
    The card is beautiful and I really like the one on your desk too!
    xoxo karen #86

  16. Wow, messy and busy - doesn't it feel wonderful? Good luck on your trip to IKEA!

  17. welcome to the club! messy club, that is! LOL!

  18. Ohhh thats such a happy desk :)
    So glad you are settled in :)

  19. My whole studio looks like your desk top. Its depressing, but I'm in full working mode lol

  20. Def back in full swing and a lovely messy desk full of crafty things to proooove it! Happy WOYWW Sorry I'm late!
    ((Lyn)) #46
    Freebie Snowman this week

  21. Wow lots going on there - is there space to craft lol - great cards ~ thanks for sharing ~ Nicky ~30

  22. Lovely creative desk, fab card!

    Maarit (104)


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