
The Secret - A Fibre Art Mixed Media Piece

This has really been SUCH a fun week for creating!  I don't know what it is, but I have just really enjoyed making stuff - even more than usual, which is saying something seeing as making stuff is my favorite thing in the WORLD to do.  Ever.  Just say'n.

The Secret

I decided to try something new tonight and I created a fibre art piece.  I have seen these done by many mixed media artists and I have even been fortunate enough to be gifted one, but I had never made one like this, so I was totally inspired when I saw the Gingersnap Stitching Challenge!

The Secret (close)

The Secret.

Can't you just hear them whispering and giggling about some scandalous gossip?  I totally can.  They are such a funny little couple with all of their silly secrets.  But, as the house staff, they do tend to know just about everything about everyone, so LOTS of secrets are to be had around there!

The Secret (detail 1)

These two know it all!  They've got the scoop on every sweet and naughty thing that has taken place on those acres of land.  And they simply CANNOT keep them ENTIRELY to themselves, so they share and giggle about the latest news together!

The Secret (detail 2)

What they always seem to forget is that there are other eyes in that house.  Other ears.  And other whispers and giggles.  And these two have their OWN little secret...at least they still THINK it's a secret!



Stamp:  Scrolls Work Ma & Pa 
Ink:  Momento
Fabric:  From the various IKEA curtains and panels we bought and trimmed to size
Hardware:  Various


  1. How sweet! Your blanket stitch totally makes this, too!

  2. Very nice piece, and what a cute blog header! Love your picture, too.
    (from Gingersnap Creations)

  3. too fabulous! Great piece & a fun story . Hope you have a wonderful weekend

  4. Tis the season for creating! This is so cute. I can imagine many on your holiday list are going to be getting some lovely treats this year. :) Theresa

  5. just darling, love your mixed media art!

  6. This is cute. Better yet is the story behind it, teehee.

  7. this is darling! i love the layering and the adorable image. xo

  8. Terrific, good luck with the challenge. Annette x

  9. So cute! Love the hardware accents. :)

  10. Love your mixed media pro! Great blanket stitching! Where did you find the vintage-style key? I'm looking for some right now?

  11. Ok this just SPEAKS to me. All they are missing is the mistletoe.

  12. this is stunning, love all the elements but especially the hardware. your little story behind the characters is so fun, made me giggle!have a great weekend, hugs Debx

  13. Fantastic first effort, i have all the stuff just not the courage yet, but i did get KCWillis's dvd set in the hope it will give me a boost to get stuck in!

  14. Wonderful work, well done! Hugs,

  15. What a fabulous stitched piece! I adore the image, the stitching adds just that perfect hint of color, and your little tale is scandalous (at least, in my interpretation, LOL!) Thanks so much for playing along at Gingersnap Creations!

  16. A wonderful mixed media piece, the stitching is a real lovely finishing touch. Good luck with the challenge.

  17. These fiber works can be very addictive...when you create you touch the fibers...and they touch you back. Imagine and Live in Peae. Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  18. Oh my goodness how I love this. The giggling secret, the fabrics, the various textures...yum yum!

  19. I love the piece you created for the Gingersnaps Creations Stitching challenge. It's beautiful! Congrats on being chosen as a Ginger Gem.


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