
Dude, Seriously? Santa is kinda Creepy. Just say'n.

No, for reals, though... we've all heard the song...

"He sees you when you're sleeping...He knows when you're awake..."

Have you ever stopped to think about that line? I mean, REALLY, SANTA? (Read in true Seth Meyers tone). REALLY? Don't Ya THINK that's just a wee tad bit creepy, Santa? REALLY?

I'm just say'n. Thus, the inspiration for this fun little card.

Creepy Santa

FUN!!!! These are part of a SUPER cute set of Santa Stamps from Scrolls Work called Santa Story. I love them! I used Echo Park papers and I flocked the Santa Suits to make them fuzzy and EXTRA cute! *LOVE!*


Just keep in mind...that Santa guy...he just might be a bit of a creeper. I'm just say'n! ;-)



  1. You are so funny!!

    My girl agree's with you... one look at the mall Santa last year and she said, "That guy is NOT my friend Santa!" Her friend would never look or do anything creepy!!!

    Love the card!

  2. He's creepier than Edward Cullen watching Bella sleep at night before they started dating...

    I love the card though!

  3. Great fun card and the flocking looks great on the Santas suits. Creepy or not I bet nobody turns down their Chrissie preses....lol
    Annette x

  4. OK, that was really funny! Thanks for the giggle!

  5. Your card is adorable! Hey - if that creeper has no problem getting me everything I want - I have no problem with him spying on me while I sleep! ha ha ha

  6. He he he...that and the sitting on his lap thing...

  7. fun card! The whole I saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause used to creep me out when I was a kid until I "got it"

  8. I guess I never thought about this quote before... I do not like to think of Santa as a naughty man. Imagine and Live in Peae, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  9. LOL, thanks for such a funny post! wonderful card!

  10. Cute card.
    I'm with Marlene on the creepy part, LOL

  11. hahaha no wonder kids don't want to sleep Christmas Eve, just sayin! LOL
    cute card!

  12. LOL!!! By now Santa knows I sleep with my mouth open and drool! I'm just glad I don't sleep in the buff!! Goodness Santa...for the sake of modesty DON'T PEEK!

  13. Oh my, you have made Santa sound like a peeping Tom! Cute card!!

  14. You're right. Seriously creepy. I'm always traumatized in December. Until I open my presents from him. lol

  15. ROFLMAO, finally someone else who admits to thinking Santa is creepy! I've always been afraid some Santas in stores were pedophiles, and that's not funny, even tho' your post cracks me up and I love your card!

  16. Wow - I totally never thought of it that way. LOL Your card is awesome! Theresa

  17. That is hilarious!

    and yes, he is very creepy!

  18. Thanks for your giveaway. They are all very nice,I especially like the fabric.


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