
Samantha Walker Products ROCK. Just Say'n.

Okay, so this should officially be the last day of really poor photo quality! YAY! These were all taken at the same time. Apparently I was quite shaky, too, because I've had to adjust the focus on several of them. Weird. Anyway, as far as updates on the move-in process - I FINALLY slept on my own bed with my real mattress last night!!! YAY!!! (We've been on an air mattress for the better part of a month at this point...a good one, mind you, but still.) We also got the dresser clothes out of the laundry baskets and into the dressers! YAY!!! Tonight all the hanging clothes will be able to go into their closets and that will mean that we will have our couch back!!! YAY!!! Also, we moved all the boxes that belong in my studio into said studio and all the boxes that belong in The Hubbums office into said office, so this weekend we should be able to get those two rooms in order, too!!! YAY!!! AND...The Hubbums figured out the trick to the shower controls so now we have hot showers. Things are starting to feel like home! That is a happy thing!


This is a card that I created on that night last week when I got to play a little. It is done with all kinds of Samantha Walker goodness!!!

The patterned papers are Samantha Walker for Creative Imaginations and are a part of the Ooh La La Collection! The stamps are from the Encompassed Grace set created by Samantha Walker for Unity Stamp Co! I added a bit of twine and hemp and a few brads and some glitter to finish off this super fun card!


Oh...and just because I know you will want to see it, I am planning on a SUPER fun video of the new room once I get it all set up! My question is...how long are you willing to watch a studio tour video! HA! Youtube only takes up to 10 minutes, so it won't be longer than that, but will you be bored with me if it goes that long. I've discovered that I tend to make long videos! HA! I guess I just have LOTS to say! I am, afterall, a blogger!

Just Say'n. ;-)

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  1. I will totally watch your studio video. I love when people do that and always watch the whole thing. Can't wait!

  2. Jingle,
    Just love this and am glad you were able to sleep in your own bed :)

  3. I admit my attention span is short for videos, but how about doing a SERIES!? That way you can film as long as you want! Just do small bits at a time. We all love you, and would love to see your digs and new creative space, and I feel safe in saying that none of your readers would get bored! :-)

  4. So happy ya'll are getting things put where they go...it's becoming a HOME!!

    I would so watch any video you did...you are just to dang entertaining...just sayin!!!


  5. Love this!

    As for your video...I can't wait! You know I am watching and as long as you don't go into two parts I think you'll be fine :D

  6. I'm so excited for you to get in your studio! I feel like I'm moving!! Lovely card!

  7. YouTube now accepts 15 minute videos. Have fun trying to cut it down to that. I have a heluva time editing mine to only 15.
    Looking forward to it.
    Feel free to check out my video ;)

  8. Very nice card! How wonderful you finally slept in a real bed!

  9. So glad you are getting settled in, and it's starting to feel like home. That transition period is always a little strange exciting and exhausting all wrapped in one. I love the card! So pretty!

  10. Really beautiful card. I have so much trouble with cards, it's ridiculous! I dont' know why I am so afraid of making them?!

  11. I'm definitely with you for 10 minutes! Nice to see so many "Yay"s!

  12. A lovely card it is, too! I love the way you wrapped that twine around the brad! (or is that hemp....see...I don't even know!)

    Glad to hear you're sleeping on your own bed now! I don't know how you can take an air mattress for that long - even a good one! Oh wait - I know, you're not as old and cranky...errr...I mean CREAKY as I am!

  13. You could and should do commercials with all your energy and fresh appeal to working with design elements. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  14. Your card is SO pretty! But you always make such awesome cards. I will look forward to your studio tour - take as long as you need. It will be fun to watch! Theresa

  15. Oh boy does this look great! Crafty girl.

  16. Cute card, I'm lovin that dp too. Glad you are settling in. ~Diane

  17. I'm so happy to read your settling into your new home, a real bed makes all the difference!
    Beautiful card to!


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