
Wizard of Oz Tag Swap : Results!

A short time ago, I shared with you the tags that I had created for the Dorothy Tag Swap hosted by Karla of Karla's Cottage. Well, let me tell you something this was an AWESOME swap! Karla generally has about 100 participants and everyone sends in six tags and then she creates a cover for each tag book, puts together groupings of tags that work well together and sends you a completed little tag book back!

Mine arrived over the weekend and I couldn't be MORE THRILLED! I absolutely LOVE these tags and the cover that Karla created is just awesome! I have to share them with you!!!

Dorothy Tag Swap Book

This is the tag book as a whole. Isn't it just fabulous? I love all the ribbons sticking out the top and the wonderful bits and peeks sneaking out the edges!!!!

Created by Karla Nathan

The cover tag is created by Karla and the illustration is her own! She does such fabulous work! I really love the little Toto tag that pulls out of the basket! That is just TOO cute!

Created By Judi Storm

This tag was created by Judi Storm! I love how she pieced together the entire scene! This is so wonderful!

Created by Cindy Hamlin

This tag, created by Cindy Hamlin, is all fabric! The Wizard of Oz fabric is so neat and Cindy brought it together to create a really fabulous fabric tag! Love!

Created by Ramona Samuels

Created by Ramona Samuels, this tag looks like it is a digital collage! That is so cool! I love it!

Created by Freda Butler

I know I shouldn't have favorites, but I can't help but to LOVE this amazing jointed tin man tag by Freda Butler! The tin man is brad jointed so he jumps and dances all over the place! Behind him is some fabulous text quoting the character layered over a solid tag with fabulous trim!

Created by Ella

This tag, by Ella, is also based on fabric! I love the soft rigidity that it has! Very cool.

Created by Amy Pytlik

Finally, this tag, created by Amy Pytlik, is just incredible! It has the perfect vintage feel! The green color with the black is just awesome! I really love this one!

Thank you to all who participated in this swap, your work is fabulous and genuinely hope that the six of you who received my tags love them! And thanks to Karla for hosting an amazing swap!

Now...I think I want to host one. It would be fun! Just say'n.


  1. Oh so cool!!!!
    I love them all :D
    Julie xx

  2. WOW...some awesomeness in this post for sure!!!!! Now...for some reason I want to go sculpt the Oz characters..LOL!!!

    Hugs for a great week,

  3. What a fun group of tags! Very cool!

  4. Wow! Great tags. Looks like a fun swap.

  5. Wow! What amazing tags! I cannot ever over how fabulous each and every single one of them is!

  6. What a great tag book, how fun are these pages!

  7. WOW! That is soooo cool! Have never seen this type of themed tag swap! love it!!

  8. Wow, so many goodies in this swap! They are all gorgeous! ~Diane

  9. Hard to pick a favorite!! These are awesome!

  10. Love em all! Thanks for sharing everyone's talent!

  11. What a great theme! I love the Wizard of Oz, and there are some really creative tags there.

  12. hello!

    i just popped over from cari's blog. i had to see who had such a cute icon and blog name.

    your blog is so sweet - i'm glad i did pop over.

    very cool tags!


  13. These tags are amazing. Such a neat theme.

  14. Wasn't that the bestest swap? I LOVED IT! What would the theme of yours be? I'm just asking.... cause your just saying....

  15. Fabulous set of tags. A tag swap would be fun...

  16. Oh, they are all adorable! What awesome little keepsakes. :) Theresa

  17. These are so cool! Make sure you let me know if you do a swap. Please.

  18. Just wanted you to know I received one of your tags in the Dorothy swap! Looks like you had a good book, too! I just love your tag and am thrilled with the book. You're ahead of me, though. I hope to get mine posted sometime next week. Running behind!


  19. If you host one, I'll join it! I saw the tags on Karla's blog -- so fun! Love your book!


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