
What's on Your Workspace Wednesday? A DOLL!!! And lots of other stuff...as per usual...

WOYWW 6 Oct 2010

This is my desk as of this morning. (Well, taken last night, but nothing has moved, I promise.) I have another doll in the works, which is pretty exciting, considering I am just finishing up another one. I love making dolls! They are just too fun! This one, if all goes well, will be a witch of some sort. She may end up green. I'm leaning in that direction, actually. I am working on a skirt for her and basically just playing around and having a bit of fun!

You can also see the plastic pumpkins that I plan to create fabulousness with very soon! I bought some Rigid-Wrap for the first time and I can't wait to play with it on these pumpkins!!!!


I got my hands on a couple of these fabulous little bird cages from Mike's! They are totally in the dollar section!!! I saw a couple other artists creating with them and decided that I needed some, so off I went! I am excited to use them! At least one is totally going to have a little fairy in it! Just say'n!


Also gracing my desk this week is a stack of fabulous fabric! HAPPY MAIL!!! Yup, this lovely stack came all the way from Israel! It all came from the FABULOUS Carmel and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

So, there is this week's peek into my studio! What do you think? Leave a comment! They make me smile!

For more workspace coolness check out The Stamping Ground!


  1. Love the little bird cages! hmm...what cha makin' with all that fabric??

  2. Wait...did you say dollar section!? Gee, thanks guess I am heading out today :) Looks like lots of fun going on in those photos! Can't wait to see what you turn all that stuff into! :)

  3. The bird cages are lovely....what are you going to do with them I wonder???

  4. Well that's an amazing amount of loveliness on your desk today, love the bird cages and that fabric is wonderful. Happy creating!

    Brenda (105)

  5. I think I will skip taking the desktop picture! Are you caging the pumpkins?

  6. Lots of fabulousness Jingle - fabric, birdcages and doll-in-the-making. Look forward to seeing what you do with the doll and the birdcages. Now what's rigid wrap? Is it like bandages with Plaster of Paris in?
    Anne x (70)

  7. Gorgeous fabric, Grogeous cages and super halloween stuff!!!!

  8. Hi ya
    oh lovely creative desk, luv those birdcages, they look fab, gorgeous fabric,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (2)

  9. The birdcages look fab, look forward to seeing what you do. That pile of fabric is wonderful!

  10. Love the desktop. It's a space that is very loved. Gotta adore that.

    Thanks for stopping by and saying hi today.


  11. Gorgeous fabric - hope we see what you make with it.

  12. Omigod...what is Mike's? Michael's? I am so buying those! I love them!

  13. LOL, I love this, I love the mess, I am so looking forward to the days when i can have a mess space!! It just looks so creative!!! The cages are gonna be awesome I just know it!! and ymm on the candy front, now I am having cravings!

  14. Those bird cages are awesome! Can't wait to see your new dolly. :) Theresa

  15. Those little birdcages are the cutest!!! You KNOW I want to see the dolly!

  16. Me's got some of those bird cages too.
    I cleaned my desk up this morning, then I crafted this evening, so it was clean for a few hours LOL.

  17. I bought 10 of those little birdcages for Holiday ornaments...but now I am thinking i can play with them a little earlier! Awesome! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  18. As ever, lots of fun goings on in your world today. Love the fabric.
    A x

  19. all so yummy and lively - great finds and fabrics

    Sarah sasa 18

  20. Can't wait to see how the doll turns out! be sure to show us :)
    I love the bird cages too but I can't get myself to make something out of them...Maybe its because I have a real bird cage with 3 birds in it and that seems like enough at the time, lol (they are messy!). The fairy idea is great...I wonder what else can be done with them...be sure to show us that too! :)

  21. You've got some fun stuff on your desk! I saw those adorable bird cages at Mike's, but haven't gotten any yet. I can't wait to see how you use them. I think i need to go back and get me some.

  22. I love everything you have, there. The fabrics are beautiful and I am in love with the bird cages. Can't wait to see what you do with the fabrics. Do you think you will make a quilt?

    sue xx 88

  23. I see your desk is full with many cool things to play around with. And I'll be curious to see your doll when you're finished. Enjoy!

  24. I'm loving the sound of your doll!

    Great little birdcages too.

    Sherry (117)

  25. I have some little bird cages (for candles) left over from Christmas, think I might get them down (from attic) and play with them, then they could be 'useful' all year round! Love the doll...not too scarrry ..yet!

    Happy WOYWW

  26. hmmm theres certainly alot going on there, lots of yummy fabric, bird cages etc.
    thanks for the peek
    hugs #45

  27. OK, I want to know what "MIKE'S" is and where I can get a birdcage for a dollar. I'm in LUST. What a fantastic idea and a really creative work space (at least it was on Wed). (I'm number 1)

  28. I want a birdcage for a dollar. And a doll that looks like my mojo. Then the mojo can be trapped inside the cage and I'll be inspired forever!! And what is rigid wrap? can't wait to see!

  29. What a GREAT post - I absolutly NEED some of those birdcages and a dollar - what a steal, might just have to hop on a plane and get some!!! Also loving your fabric, its adorable.

    See you for the next WOYWW!

    Claire #78


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