
The Reader

The Reader

She could go anywhere in any time.

The Reader, side

She could be anyone.

The Reader (close 2)

She could unlock any door.

The Reader Bottom

She could meet the most fascinating new friends.

The Reader (close)

It was a perfect journey. All bound in the pages of the volume she clutched by her side.

The Reader.

Just Say'n. ;-)

Image: Kristin Hubrik of Retro Cafe
Stamps: ScrollsWork
Ink: Momento
Stickers: EK Success and Making Memories
Shimmer Cardstock: Prism
Clip: K&Company
Colored Pencils: Prismacolor
Adhesives: Tombow

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  1. Jingle,
    This is so sweet and I love the message!

  2. Her face is so life like! Super cute and I love that little clip!

  3. Adorable and I love the little blue bling button you added to her coat!

  4. You are so creative!! He looks like he is lost in Gulliver's Travels! Love it!

  5. That is really fun and super cute.

  6. Oooh....not quite a dolly - but CLOSE!!! That means she gets a big thumbs up! Way cool stuff!

  7. That's awesome! You did such a great job. :) Theresa

  8. Such a cute little girl. This is an awesome piece of art.

  9. I am touched by this sweet sweet message. You are such a dear. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  10. I just love all the images you used to put this beauty together, looks awesome! ~Diane

  11. Je suis une amoureuse des clefs et des montres, j'adore ton petit personnage il est si mignon...
    So cut !

  12. I can relate so much to her! Instead of a blanky as a child, I had a little book. Even when the binding failed and all the pages fell out, I still held onto the cover. I loved the fact that someone else's adventure was right with me all of the time.

    Thanks for linking up to Sunday Art Therapy at Seeds on a Breeze. I can't wait to see what you have to link up this week!

  13. Also, would you consider adding the Sunday Art Therapy button to your post? You can find it on my blog's sidebar.


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