
Music. Let's Discuss....

I had an insane weekend and made precisely nothing. Sad. But, alas, I shall make something tonight and then I will feel better. However, I did come into contact with several different types of music over the course of my weekend.

The Hubbums was downloading a few new things in the trance and techno type genre. Not my favorite, I have to admit, however, I can totally see the draw to that kind of stuff. It's kind of funny, actually...for him, it is energizing and for me it totally puts me to sleep! LOL!

Saturday night we attended a 30th birthday party complete with DJ - and old school hip hop. Yeah, buddy! I'm not going to lie. I love it. He played a ton of new stuff, too. Dance music, 'cause, well, that was sort of the point. It was fun and the music suited the environment quite well.

At home, I often listen to Florence and the Machine, Honey Honey, and that sort of stuff in general. THIS is the kind of stuff that inspires and energizes me. I really love it!

Basically, this weekend I was reminded of just how many different types of music there are out there and just how fun it all is! Music ROCKS, dude! For real! And there is not a single type that is actually just horrible - not to my specific tastes, perhaps, but it all has a purpose and it is just plain fun stuff! So, today, let me know what you love to listen to and what catches you off guard sometimes....

Oh...and here's a video in case you just need something fabulous to listen to today!

Leave a Comment. Make me happy. Just say'n.


  1. Hummmmm...wonder if music was the "thing" this weekend..LOL!! I love all genre of music. Depends on the mood I'm in I think. Anything that taps the toes and soothes the soul. Our community had a chili cook-off this weekend and one of our local bands played..."Soul Monkey" They were awesome!! Thanks for sharing the video...loved her voice.


  2. I enjoy most music - certainly not all types or I should say all songs. My favorite in my older age is country. Have a great week!

  3. I love music or all types...mostly whatever is on MTV - though I would rather them not play a song then add in all the bleeps, that really annoys me! :)

  4. Aaaahhhh music, one of my favorite things. It can instantly transport you to another time and place in your life, right? I go through cycles with my music likes, right now I'm in the cycle of rap and rather enjoying it. Enjoy your day!

  5. I LOVE any type of music..but OPERA ..blah..heehee. I always have music going when scrapping. I love the 70 -80's the best. Credance Clearwater..is awesome!!

    hugs, Mary

    BTW: Wow! Check out my awesome NEW website for Scrappers & Stampers…. Scrap n' Stamp.

  6. Hi! Thx for commenting on my blog! I love music also *sigh*...when I'm crafting, it's classical because I can't focus if I'm singing along with the words of songs...hee hee...but my iPod has lots of genres...we were recently visiting in TX and sat in on a performance of a country singer named John Arthur Martinez... Liked him so much, we bought two of his recent CDs. Have a great day!

  7. I enjoy all types of music. My daughters download music to my IPOD shuffle (as you know I don't know how LOL). They put in their type of music which is perfect to run to.

  8. Music is on our genes. My oldest took a musical acclimany test and it was 80%. So, we love it in our house:-)

  9. Aaaaccckkk!!!! Totally love your blog header!!
    We are kindred spirits! :o)

  10. Glad you had a fun weekend and do hope your're feeling better :)
    I didn't get a lot of creating done either and today I had to run errands most of the day.

  11. There are VERY few genres of music that I do not enjoy! LOL! I pretty much like them all...just depends on my mood!! Thanks sooooooooo much for visiting my blog today! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  12. I am a picky snit when it comes to music. I like OLDER stuff....LIKE ME! HA!

  13. Nothing horrible? You haven't heard me. Having said that, I love anything I can sing along to. Alone.

  14. I love what you've been listening to. They're some of my favorites, too. Today I've been on kind of an old-school 80s gothic kick (Bauhaus, The Cult, Sisters of Mercy, The Damned) seeing as though Halloween is right around the corner. I've also been listening to the revival soundtrack for HAIR (since I saw it just last weekend) and then some quieter music like Stephanie Dosen, Marissa Nadler and Katharine Blake. However, as I type this, I'm listening to the first Killers CD. Great stuff. Sadly, they never matched the magic of their first release.

  15. My musical tastes are varied, but what will always make me happy is what I danced to in my youth -- 80s new wave/punk/rock. I love how it's back in these days. I really enjoy a lot of current stuff, too, but mostly what reminds me of my rock roots -- Pink, etc. What catches me off guard is how music through whatever era can leave you feeling so...forlorn. So much pain expressed through music. It's hard to take sometimes!


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