
Blog Content: Per The Hubbums - Oh...and a really fun card, too!

Wifee: Hubbums, I don't know what I am going to post tomorrow.
Hubbums: Well, from what I can see you just write about random stuff and people read it....soooo...you could post about....

Wifee: *listening intently, cause, well, quite frankly, this is bound to be good! HA!*

Hubbums: I know! You could post about The Butternut Squished!
(For those following along, that would be the butternut squash soup from Whole Foods that is wicked good, but my dear Hubbums insists on referring to it as Butternut Squished because there is no squash that he can see - just squish!)

Hubbums (continuing with his ideas): OR....you post about this stuff I keep in my belly button to keep me warm! (Yuck.)

Hubbums (still continuing): OR you could post about the Pumpkin TAHTS. (Our dessert last night.) (Apparently you have to say that. However, it isn't in a Boston accent...nope...I made that mistake ('cause, you know...we live here), but rather, it is in an 'East Side' accent.)

Wifee: And that would be the 'East Side' of what now?

Hubbums: I don't know. I just know that's the way they talk.

Wifee: *sigh* *giggle* *sigh*


(Pumpkin Taht)

Hubbums (yup...he had more...)
OR you could post about THIS! *promptly points to my little orange mushroom on my studio door*

Hubbums: It's mushroom poo.* (*Edited for cleanliness. Just say'n.)

Wifee: And what makes it 'poo' exactly?

Hubbums: Well, because it's stuck to the wall and people are always throwing poo* at the wall just to see if it sticks!

Wifee: *Thinking that one was actually rather amusing*


(Mushroom Poo. Just say'n.)

Hubbums: *really getting going at this point* Or you could post about how this room is pretty much useless (yup...that would be my STUDIO of which he was speaking at this point!!!!!!) because, well, I can't really use much in here (which is quite false, actually...he uses stuff in there all the time. And he totally supports me having my Studio and spending large amounts of time in it, so don't worry...he was just being a dork.)

Hubbums: *getting off track at this point...* How come cards say things like 'warm and fuzzy' but never 'cold and spikey?'.....'I like my tarts hot and spicy.' (again...back to the pumpkin TAHT thing...only now worse...)(Although...the card question is actually something to consider...)

At this point I stopped keeping track of his insanity because, well, I was laughing too hard. And then I remembered that I hadn't shared this amazingly fun card with you guys yet because I had totally submitted it, but it wasn't chosen this time, and that's okay, because that means I can share it with you all and I HATE withholding cuteness from you guys! Cause your wicked awesome and stuff. Just say'n.

Thinking of You

The stamps are flourishes (image) and CTMH (sentiment). I stamped the fruit on October Afternoon text paper and then built up multiple layers of American Crafts and CTMH cardstock to create the base of the card. I added color to the image with Prismacolor markers and some fabulous handmade paper for the leaves. The black flourish background paper is Basic Grey.

Thinking of you dimension/stamping

Thinking of you ribbon close

Well, I hope you have enjoyed this random post that is my Friday post for this week! HA! Tomorrow...it's WORLD CARD MAKING DAY!!!! So, of course, you will see some cuteness here, along with all over the crafty web, so come on back now, ya hear!

HA!!!!! That was even funnier than the Jingle Out thing!!!! Seriously, folks. If I don't crack myself up, who will? Oh...wait.....

P.S.!!!! I totally almost forgot to tell you my wicked crazy exciting news! I am now a brand new member of the Scrolls Work Design Team!!!! I'm so excited! I've had to keep that a secret for nearly a MONTH! That was near impossible. Just say'n.


  1. Congrats on making the Scrolls Work DT :) I will look forward to seeing all your creations!

  2. Love the hubbums ideas! lol Great post!

  3. Tahts!! LOL!

    Love that, and congrats on the wicked good news!! You deserve it!

  4. Congratulations on your news! Tahts -- that's the way I say it! For me, the "r" is silent if it is not at the beginning of the word! But, then again, I'm from just South of Beantown!

  5. congrats on the Scroll's Work DT!!!
    so happy we'll be together :)
    Beautiful card...and the pumpkin tart looks so good...and yes! I know your secret recipe ;)

  6. congrats on the new job! and the card is beautiful!

  7. Congratulations on the new Scrolls Work DT! I am so excited to be working with you! Love this card too! ~Diane

  8. Congrats and I look forward to being a part of this great team! Awesome card and tart! I am so excited!!!

  9. well done on getting on the scrollswork design team..looking forward to seeing your creations

  10. Congrats on the design team! You husband had some majorly crazy ideas goin on. LMAO

  11. Umm... I love the name of your blog. I love this blog post. I love this card. And I think you are adorable and I've never even met you! I'm so glad to be your "favorite" of the day. That makes my heart warm and fuzzy inside. Thanks for stopping by, good luck in the giveaway, and I'll see you tomorrow. AND congrats on making the DT!!!

  12. I LOVE the randomness your hubby offered up... he should stop by more often!

  13. Your hubby is a very funny dude!!!

    Totally LOVE your card!!! My favorite of yours yet!!!! It's fantastic! Not enough adjectives to describe it. GORGEOUS!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! IT ROCKS!

  14. You guys so too cute...

    I think your hubs visits you in your craft room like mine does.

    Congrats on the DT gig (and save a piece of that taht for me)!

    Weekend HUGS Jingle Bells.

  15. You are too funny. My husband is afraid of my craft room but he gingerly steps in looks around and runs out. Love your card!! I posted today about World Cardmaking Day too!!

  16. My turn to congratulate you on getting on the design team. I found it hard to keep the secret too.

  17. 1st. congrats on the DT.
    2nd. Love your card, its so pretty.
    3rd Your hubby is funny.
    4th. After seeing the Departed. I can't just say CAR. I always say CAWR, We have to get in the cawr. LOL. Ya my family thinks I'm wacked.

  18. Congrats on your new design team! Hurray for you! I love the conversations you and your hubbums have. Your card is beyond cute!!! :) Theresa

  19. Charming creation! Love how you did the peaches!


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