
Bras, Lace, And Glitter (WOYWW)

What? You mean your workspace doesn't have those things on it? 'Cause mine TOTALLY DOES! Wanna see?


Tee-Hee! I told you so! HA! Isn't that pink tatted lace just gorgeous? My friend Jen got that for me and I LOVE it! The bra is left over from my card making, and the glittery ghosts are hoping to make it onto a project soon because they are so sparkly and fabulous!


Other than that, not a lot going on, as I just cleaned it up on Tuesday night. I have a necklace that I am working on finishing up before tomorrow. I made the pendant and right now it is on a ribbon, but I am not really a big fan of ribbon necklaces, so I think I'm going to stop by Mike's and pick up something better. Not sure. It's kinda sorta bugg'n me, though. What do you think?

I also have an embroidery pattern packet out because I want to stitch up some cuteness from that soon. That is a good tv time activity, so eventually I know I'll do one! That pile of what looks like rags is actually a project in process, the shoe has had lace added to it. This thing is going to be a forever project, I tell ya! LOL! Every now and then I just do something to it. One day...I'll do the last thing ever to it and it will be done. HA!

I also have a stack of business cards on there....not mine....hmmmmmmm......


Since clear desks are never as fun to view I decided to go ahead and share my bowl of random with you. I keep this on my desk and it holds any trinket and treasure I may find that just may make its way into a piece. It's really a fun collection of happy!

So, what do you think?

For more workspace fun check out The Stamping Ground.


  1. Ohhh I love the lil ghosties...so so "pretty,pretty.....shiney,shiney" ^_^

    I think maybe a black cord for the necklace would make the piece POP..well what little bit of it ya let us peek at..LOL!!!

    It's always fun getting to take a look at your workspace...I always see so many interesting things.


  2. See, now I think it is great seeing a clean workspace...of course, that lil bucket of yours looks like loads of fun! :)

  3. I am thinking I will never see a clean workspace again! Each time I do a project, I say I am going to clean and then start the next and then the next! Get the picture?? Nice bra!

  4. Fab fun things on your blog today :-)
    A x

  5. Cool stuff! I have a random collection in a bowl, too! :)

  6. You always have so many projects in the works.

  7. I have a random collection of stuff in several places on my desk ... perhaps I should find me a large bowl!

  8. Such a lot of great projects on the go. I love your little oddments basket - my scraps are all over the house. Nice music too.

  9. lol - had several blogs open and just realised it was Dragonsweb where the music was coming from!!!

  10. Hi ya
    lovely creative desk, great ghosts, luv the pretty shoe,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  11. Great pictures! I can even see my desk right now, though it is just a mess, not from projects on the go ;)

  12. well i think your key items would go wonderfully on a project TOGETHER, don't you? :)

  13. I ove the look of that Pumpkin Head badge, in fact I love that basket with all random bits in, would love a rummage. Have a good day, Tracy Evans (18).

  14. Lovely stuff! I quite like pendants on ribbon myself. What's the plan for the shoe? Will you be wearing them?


  15. A clean desk is the sign of an empty head!

    Carry on.

  16. Wow. That's quite a desk-full of stuff! I think ribbon necklaces have a time and a place, but not one that long. I think with that sort of pendant it should have a chain or something similar. I always picture ribbon necklaces to be more like chokers.

  17. Love your desk today, and the bowl of random especially!

  18. My desk looks a lot like that. Love your random bowl and can't wait to see how you use your glittery ghosts, they look so cute :)

  19. I think I love that pink tatted lace, that's what I think!

  20. ghosts fantastic, bra to small.......
    I love the random collection, think I might have a whole desk like that though........

  21. I like the lace on the shoe - those forever projects - how do you know when they're finished??!! The bra is a cute cute image too. Your bowl of random makes me smile, although apart form the butterfly, I think I'd be stumped to use most of it - but then we think different, huh!

  22. Wow....your desk looks so neat today and the bowl of random looks like fun!

  23. oo i love me a fun collection of happy!

  24. Lovely workspace! I love all of your little trinkets :)

  25. Definitely a great collection of goodies. Those glittery ghosts are adorable. :) Theresa

  26. Lots of good things happening here...plenty to get into ....looks like a really fun place (loved the owls too!)

  27. Great snoop - would love to rummage through the bowl of bits.
    Rebecca # 61

  28. I have got some lace on mine but not inview this week. Ooh am intrigued by the 'pile of rags' project :-)
    Anne x

  29. I am really wanting a BOR Bowl of Random on my own desk. What with that, and a box of UFOs (unfinished objects) as described on another blog, this week's WOYWW is turning out to be a real education. (I'm sorry I can't remember the owner of the UFOs, but I've been visiting loads of blogs this evening and am determined to get to them all this week! She has a fabulous cat called Pandora if that helps.).

    A friend I had lunch with earlier was telling me about a dress she saw in the V&A museum, where the skirt was made up of bras (cups set in lines to create a nicely poofy effect). So if you are good with a needle and have changed bra size, that could be a fabulous idea to play around with.

  30. LOve your lace and trinket bowl.
    Sue xx 15

  31. I really like the bowl of random. It made me smile and I'm going to find an appropriate bowl of my own and start one. Thank you for the idea and the inspiration.

  32. Love the idea of a random bowl...I think I've got a random desk some days!!! Maybe a bowl would keep things together and great for inspiration. Pam (12)

  33. Hey, I've got a bowl of random! Not such a nice bowl as yours, tho, and to be honest I also have a plastic box full of random in the cupboard. Love your little ghosties! And as for the necklace, if you don't like ribbon then change it, but I do think it looks nice as is. Helen (16)


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