
An Art doll or a Fraggle? I'm not sure, but either way, she's pretty cute....

Please allow me the pleasure of introducing my newest art doll, Francesca!


Francesca is not what one might call a shy doll. Nope. She is out there! She loves to be in the spot light and craves any and all positive attention!

Francesca (2)

You may catch her glancing sideways from her sparkling, glittery eyes, but no need to fear, she isn't the conniving type. She is just playful and fun and likes to be a bit of a tease whenever possible!

Francesca's Head full of Wild Hair!

She is a spirit full of whimsy, Francesca! Her wild hair was plucked straight from the ground! (No...for reals...I found this fabulous little flower stuck in the ground on the side of the road one day during a walk! That was a fun happy!) She loves that the bright color catches people's attention and makes her so BOOOTEEEFUL!

Francesca's Face Close Up

While she is wild and fancy-free, Francesca is also a respectable young lady and knows when wild craziness is appropriate and when it is not. She shows excellent manners and is simply a delight and a pleasure to be around!

Francesca's Eye

Just be aware, that those pretty little eyes know how to work a crowd! ...Or an individual for that matter - this girl can usually get what she wants!

Francesca (4)

But mostly, Francesca is just a whole lot of fun! I hope you love her to pieces!!!

(Details: Francesca is made entirely of found parts - wire, a nut from a carborator, a silk flower found and plucked from the ground one day. Her features are painted with acrylic paint and glitter glaze.) She has been complete for awhile now, but I was considering trying to submit her and then lost confidence in that idea, so I decided to just show off her adorableness!

I am joining the following parties:



  1. GURL...she is adorable!!! She can come and visit Southern Ooaks Resyculbinz anytime!!! You did an outstanding job on her...I LOVE her.


    OMGOSH...I had forgotten about Fraggle Rock...my older boys use to watch it and I don't think the Chazman has ever seen it. Must do some googling or Binging today..hehe

  2. Oh, oh, oh...she is just sooooo cute! I love that she is all about attention - down to her glitter'y eyes! LOVE HER!

  3. I LOVE HER!! What personality! (I loved your comment about how she can work a crowd, you're so funny!). You need to do a series!

  4. She's wonderful! So bright and happy!

  5. Francesca is simply lovely! I love her hair (and it does remind me a little of Red from Fraggle Rock, but this girl's got her own personality)! I really love how elegant her "body" is. Just lovely.

  6. Teehee Fraggle Rock, I remember that show.

    Francesca looks very spunky. Love the hair :)

  7. I love the humor in this! It made me giggle!

  8. Ooooo she is TOO precious!!! I was laughing out loud when you mentioned Fraggle Rock, I have not thought of those little critters in YEARS. I love love LOVE her hair! Super great job :D

  9. i am a FAN of Fran! she's lovely, girl! the eyes are sweet and her legs are just so sexy! :)

    can't wait to see your next crazy but wonderful creation! xo

  10. how adorable! now you must make her a mate, someone she can bat those cute eyes at!

  11. Ha ha ha!! I love it!!! You know, I love your write-ups about your art as much as I like your art!

  12. Yes she is adorable!!!! bit late with my comment - I have been bilberry picking in the sunshine today and gardened for M. yesterday!!

  13. That Francesca has some cool hair! Very nice.

  14. Francesca is wildly wacky, love her! Thanks for sharing her for my late snoop,

  15. Great now I have the fraggle rock theme song stuck in my head lol!! Love the doll she is just too cute!

  16. She's SO much fun! You did a fabulous job. I must say that you have quite the imagination. :) Nice work!!! Theresa

  17. I do think she is bootiful!!!! I did get a new license but the photo is not too cool...but I am still bootiful! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  18. She is really precious. You should not have lost confidence and submitted her. You make really fun art objects and I really love your style.

  19. Such a lotta cuteness going on here :o)

  20. Oooh - I agree -that is a girl with some ATTITUDE! (And Fraggles - yay!! Do do do do do do do do....down in fraggle rock. bum. Ok, sounds way better in my head.)

  21. She's delightful! and I can tell, yes, she definitely knows how to behave when the older ladies are cominf for tea.

  22. Oh you can definitely see she is of a fraggle origins lol
    very original indeed :D


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