
A Stack of Idea Books...THAT is what is on my desk.

It's another fabulous WOYWW (What's On Your Workspace Wednesday) and today I don't have any fun half finished projects, I don't have a fabulous completed masterpiece....nope.  I've got none of that.

I'll be honest, it was my goal to actually show you a nice CLEAN, CLEAR workspace today.  I REALLY wanted to.  But, alas, time did not allow, thus, my desk is still a disaster and I haven't had time to really create anything, either, which is starting to make me really sad.  The only good thing is that I've been making time to workout, so at least I don't feel fat AND uncreative.

Just say'n.

BUT, that does not mean that my workspace is empty.  Nope.  You know I always have SOMETHING going on, so, here ya go!

WOYWW 8/4/2010

Yup.  A STACK O' Books!  These suckers desperately need to find a place listed on EBAY, as I plan to sell them, but I've been so busy that I keep missing the optimal posting times and then it gets put off again.  *sigh*  Well, I will get them up eventually, I guess.  In the meantime, if you are interested in any of them, let me know!

Don't forget to check out my Wordless Wednesday post below!  It's such a make-you-smile kind of photo!

For more WOYWW posts check out The Stamping Ground!

OH!  And I almost forgot!!!  Don't forget to come back tomorrow!!!  Something pretty EXCITING is going on!!!!


  1. So I am curious - when are optimal posting times??? Do tell - do tell!!!!

    Have a great day and see you tomorrow!
    Deanne :)

  2. Good luck getting the books on Ebay some time soon hun!

  3. I didn't realize there were optimal times!! Join the club of procrastination. :)

  4. Ohhhh, how old is that book 2nd from the bottom? It looks interesting

  5. My work space is always a mess..I work best this way..heheheh!Big Hugs,Cat

  6. There are some really lovely books there on your desk.
    A x

  7. I have a ton of painting books I so need to go through! Thank you much for stopping by and commenting on my Tag Tuesday! Have a wonderful day!

  8. you should see mine! Maybe I can borrow your idea and start wordless wednesday. lol lol I love all those books you have. lol what sharing your story about? I haven't heard that one! I know I'm behind in time of books. I tend to surf more on scrapbooker's blogs. lol

  9. ooh I think I have most of those books too *LOL*

  10. You can try half.com too, it is eBay's partner and super easy.

  11. That looks like my kitchen counter!!

  12. Hi ya
    i have loads of cookery books they never see the light of day!!! have great day, sue,x

  13. Join the club - for good intentions LOL Are the optimal posting times when they have free listings?
    Anne x

  14. My work space is so embarassing messy and the sad thing is that I haven't even been able to work on anything to get it that way LOL

  15. Youve sure got lots of lovely books there! I hope you find new homes for them asap!

    Keryn x

  16. Hope you get the right times sorted for posting those books xx

  17. I would like to read those books, but I have no storage space right now.

    I can't wait for the excitingness of tomorrow!

  18. I have so many inspiration books as well. :) Can't wait to see what you have in store for tomorrow! Theresa

  19. Good luck with the books - I have shelves full of textile books!!

  20. That Rusty Pickle book is callin my name. I would love to stack it on my desk if you still want to part with it!

  21. Definately lot's of reading material there !!

  22. great looking books!
    *hugs* Heather x

  23. Good luck getting the books sold, hope you manage to fit in some craft time soon!

  24. Leave the books on your desk long enough and they'll be in your way and then you'll find the optimal time is the perfect time to get tehm off your desk and they'll sell in a heartbeat! I suspect that working out will eventually re-energise your mojo too, have no fear!

  25. I have Scrapbooking books that I have never actually looked at...a couple of digi ones, which of course are now waaaay out of date! Sorry I'm so late getting round I forget where I've been, have a great woyww, on Saturday!


  26. Try paperbackswap.com. They have paperbacks, hardbacks, CD's and all sorts of genre, including crafty books. It's a great spot if you like to read.

  27. I can empathise with this problem, I can never think of doing the right thing at the right time!


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