
Halloween is In the Air!!!

I know for some of you it is too early to start thinking about Halloween, but if you are a crafter of anything that takes time, this is the PERFECT time to start thinking of ghouls and goblins!  I am so excited!  I haven't had a chance to start working on much in the way of Halloween art, but it is SO on my agenda right now!  And, this week is going to be a little crazy as far as time goes and such, so, I thought today would be an AWESOME day to gather some inspiration!!!

So, all lovers of Fall AND Halloween crafts, show me your favorite links!  Post a link to your favorite source of inspiration for Halloween or Fall creations!  (Any type of handmade stuff goes- including baking!!!)  And leave a comment letting me know what kinds of things YOU like to create in the fall!


  1. I LOVE Halloween...and hayrides, and corn mazes, and warm cider, and the changing colors...okay most things fall - but Halloween is my most favorite! Pottery Barn always has the cutest decorations!

  2. Am the only one who doesn't "get" Halloween?? :(

    I always skip it and go straight to Christmas (the very best time of year LOL!!!) plus I love winter.

    Deanne :)

  3. Well, maybe this link will help boost your energy and homey-comfy-feel-good-vibes to get you in the mood to be creative!


    I know I can't stop thinking about pumpkins this morning! Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin candles, you name it!

  4. I don't have any links to share... but I see a button covered pumpkin in my future... in a BIG way!

  5. I'm a newbie hope for a follow back!

  6. Halloween is the most amazing time of year and my ABSOLUTE favorite!!!

    Too funny but the answers to all of your questions and loads of links can be found on my blog! We must be on the same wave length :)

  7. I used to live there and I miss it so much it hurts I swear! I was born in Mass and grew up in NH. My husband was born in Mass... we would like more than anything to move back! But we will be in Mass for a month so thats better than nothing!

  8. After school starts, that's the next thing in my list:-)

  9. Halloween is everyday fior me as I wake up scared!!TEE HEE

  10. I just LOVE Halloween too! Layouts, albums, and crafty odds and ends decor are on my list to do this season - wish me luck!

  11. Oooh....I love halloween cards! I've started on a few...and will be making LOTS over the next month!

  12. Just stopping by from Two Peas...super cute blog header!

  13. I know I am in the minority but I am not a huge lover of Halloween. Fall I love with all the rich vibrant colors.

  14. Love Halloween & Fall. Today had a fall chill in the air and we came home and had hot chocolate. =D

  15. Gosh, I can't think of any links right now. How sad is that? But I really do just love everything there is to love about fall - leaves, pumpkins, sweaters, cooler weather, Halloween, did I say pumpkins? Theresa

  16. I love all scrappy Halloween things, paper, stickers, all of it and I love making cards, but I don't actually exchange Halloween cards with anyone, so I just keep em.

  17. Love your blog, just found it.
    This may come across as blatant self promotion, but I wanted to say thank you for making our site a favorite on etsy!
    We are Hallowthanksmas.com, and I am gearing up to do some block prints,based on autumn and Halloween.
    I agree the weather in New Jersey put me in the mood for fall! Of course, today was in the 90's, but I will not let it get me out of a fall feeling.
    Looking forward to exploring more of your blog.



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