
Gold Medals, New Adventures, and Cute Little Randoms

Well, this week I've had some extra time to create and that is always fun, but sometimes it lends itself to pure and utter RANDOMNESS! For reals, people. I don't even know where this stuff is coming from! HA! Here is my workspace right now (okay, well, last night when I took the photo)...

WOYWW 21 July 2010

Yup. There is a lot happening there. You can see the gold medal in the center. That was a request from The Hubbums. Noooo....he doesn't need me to give him a medal for being the best Hubbums in the world, you crazies! It's for a student. The fun of being married to a teacher is that you get random 'can you make this' requests from time to time! HA!

Here it is finished:

Gold Medal

The other things you see there are a little adventure I decided to dive into. Yup. Painting. I've been scared to death of it, but I decided to give it a shot because of that very reason. I'll share the finished piece tomorrow. It isn't quite done yet in this shot.

AND ... you can see a doll in the concept stage. She has a LONG way to go, but she is coming together in my head. Slowly but surely.

Slide Pendants

Finally, these are two little pendant type things I worked on last night. Obviously they aren't dry yet in this photo. I think I am going to make them pendants, as they are double sided. I love the holiday images on them! They make me smile!

Halloween and Christmas Pendants Side B

I just don't know what kind of bail to use on them. I'll figure something out. Anyway, that's what's on my workdesk right now! To see some others check out The Stamping Ground!

Also, don't forget to check out my Wordless Wednesday post above this one! Thanks for leaving a comment! I need them this week!


  1. Love the images on the pendants Jingle

  2. owwwwww pendants....Christmas and Halloween...owwwwwwww!!!!!


  3. Love the pendants, the doll's looking fab and it's good to do something that scares you ;-)
    Anne xx

  4. Thanks for sharing all the creative goings on there. When it comes to C******as and H******en at this time of the year... I'm scared!

  5. love the pendant thingys... are they Crafty Secret images?

  6. Busy desk there! What a lucky hubby - I bet you make all sorts of special bits and bobs for him!!

  7. Very busy desk - just what I love to see. Great medal - I wouldn't know where to start, so hats off to you for that and also for the painting!! Hope it goes well.

  8. Hi
    great desk piccies, luv all your creations, beautiful pendants, have great day, sue,x

  9. fun pendants Jingle. I'd use one of those clamp on ones unless your going to solder them.

  10. thought the gold medal was a biscuit till I read the post!

  11. When I first saw the medal, I thought it was a cookie. Too funny. Is that a Marie doll? Looks a bit French to me. And those pendants are really clever. Halloween and Christmas. Are you getting prepared? Happy WOYWW.

  12. Great pendant. Thought you had been snacking when i arrived!! If you are not a tiny bit scared when you start something new it would never turn out lovely!

  13. The medal is so cute! What a nice gift that will make for your hubby's student. And those images would definitely make nice pendants...go for it! Do they have solid backings? I can recommend some different types of bails dependent upon the type of back your pendants have. :) Theresa

  14. That is one crafty thing I can't do - painting. I used to draw/shade when I was in high school but me and painting did not get along at all!! Loving all your little crafty goodies!

    Deanne :)

  15. You're so crafty! You've got me nearly wetting my pants with excitement over that new dolly you're working on!!!

  16. You're too busy, I can't cope! The concept dolly is looking fab, wanna see more as she evolves. Loving the frames..sounds likeyou can only just keep up with your ideas!

  17. great things going onhere, dolls looks a bit scarrrrry, but will I know, be fb when finished, great stuff all round, and square! sorry I'm late...I type tooo slow!

  18. ooh wanna see more of the dolly please?

  19. Those pendants are very cool. I'm so jealous, I haven't played all week. :(

  20. Great desk, loads going on there, pendant s are great too !

  21. Not sure about the bail either. I would probs solder and include a jump ring at the top. Seems like you have a lot going on, but you are managing to produce a lot too so you are doing great! Leandra

  22. Lots to see, my you are busy!
    Thanks for the snoop!


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