
What's On Your Workspace Wednesday - HAPPY MAIL!

*Scroll Down to see my Wordless Wednesday Post for today! It's a good one! :-)*

I love happy mail! Do you love happy mail? I love happy mail! I received two wonderful packages yesterday and evidence of each is on my desk there, although, not the full contents of either because I had put some away already. I also have a doll in progress on my desk today along with the remnants of a few projects. I didn't get to create at all last night, so nothing currently in the works paper-wise. I hope to do a paper doll of some kind tonight. I have to make cupcakes, though, so we will see if I can manage to get both done. Happy Wednesday!

WWYWW 9 June 2010

Oh, and yes....I am eating those gummy bears this morning. Just say'n.

Head on over to the Stamping Ground to check out more fabulous workspaces!


  1. Happy mail, yes! I received a package of yarn yesterday and started a summer cardigan for myself last night. Happy mail is good mail! Love your workspace!!!

  2. love happy mail! Your desk looks full of wonderful goodies!
    thanks for sharing

  3. you have a wonderful desk today. And I bet you totally earned the gummy bears =)

  4. gummy bears in the morning??!!??? urgh...

    more happy mail is on it's way to you... your prize should be there any day

  5. Happy mail just sort of makes your day doesn't it!

  6. Ohhh I love happy mail. It make me feel..well Happy :)

  7. oo happy,happy mail, love your desk today. i could just go a pkt of gummi bears right now, do you like Randoms, I love them, but they aren't cheap for a teeny tiny pkt lol

  8. Cor Jingle, you got it all happening on your desk today! Such a burst of colour, it;s a sight for sore eyes. And what's the fabric for? And no hassle from me over the gummi bears - if they were here, I'd have eaten them all morning too!

  9. Thanks for the reminder! Off to get my sour patch kids and swedish fish!!!

  10. I had some happy mail today too, some Banana Frog stamps I won on their last blog hop! Love your desk.

  11. Wow! Look at all the goodies. Happy Crafting!

  12. I love happy mail too, look at all your fab goodies!

  13. Think we all love happy mail :-)
    A x

  14. Love love love happy mail!!! :) Glad you are enjoying your goodies! Theresa

  15. oh great work desk,love all the crafty things,hugs cheyrl xxx

  16. Jingle, I so enjoy reading your blog. Yes Jingle, gummybears ARE the most IMPORTANT meal of the day!

  17. Love your vibrant blog! Thanks for playing in DRS Designs Stamp A Day Give Away! Good Luck to you!

  18. So my girl will definitely want to live in your house... as you may have read she wants me to stop loving her so I leave and she can get all the candy... perhaps I should stop saying no candy for breakfast... you turned out great!

  19. There's nothing like "Happy Mail" and looks like you've got some gorgeous stash there to play with!


  20. Lots of lovely colourful stuff on your desk. I hope we get to see the completed doll :-)
    Anne xx

  21. Well, this all looks very interesting, can't wait to see your finished doll.
    Oh, yes I LOVE happy mail too.

  22. oh I love happy mail! Looks like you've been busy hun :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  23. so many bits and pieces ..new and old ...great for a nose around... I've never had a Gummy bear lol ...are they like Jelly Babies

  24. I am lovin' your creative area. It resembles mine. So cool that you are full of happy mail. How do you like your Purple Cow cutter? I have been eyeing them lately...
    Is that a really cool bird cage in the background? Oooooh. Coolness.


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