
My Very First Yoyo on a Brand New HUGE Hairpiece!

Okay, so you guys know that I love to try new things. The funny thing is that sometimes I get intimidated by the strangest of projects.

Enter Stage Right: The Yoyo.

Yup. I was scared to death of the silly little things. You see, I saw these cute little fabric yoyos and I loved them, but the centers were always so neat and tidy and finished and the directions never seemed to lend themselves to that nice finished look. WELL. I was wrong. I know...that's rare, so I'll let you have a moment to absorb that statement.

Oh..... wait.....


But, anyway, I figured out that all I had to do was gently fold in the edge as I stitched the gathering stitch around my fabric circle and THERE YOU HAVE IT! A nice, neat, adorable yoyo!!!!

So, I made one for this headband!

Grey and Lace Headband

I apologize for the slight blur. My hands are rarely steady. BUT, you can still see my cute little yoyo in the center with beads to bling it up a bit! LOVE THAT!

Grey and Lace Headband side

Now, mind you, this is a HUGE hair piece! I stitched a clippy to the back so I can wear it solo or on a headband. The thing is like six inches across. Maybe more. Seriously. It's big. I love it. It makes me happy!

However, that being said, the large fabric base circle is, indeed, NOT a yoyo. I created that one by folding a strip of fabric in half and then running a gathering stitch along the edge, scrunching it all together and stitching it into a circle. I then layered the lace circle on top of that, stitched the adorable little grey cuteness of a yoyo over THAT and then adhered the beads to finish it off.


Grey and Lace Headband Close

Vintage beads, vintage lace, cute grey fabric. *sigh* It's fabulous. What can I tell ya?

I am joining the following parties:



  1. i like it too! i think you should give it away to your favorite reader. (hint)

  2. Absolutely adorable!!!! Just love it!

  3. Love this gentle palette. And your project turned out lovely...so soft and pretty.

  4. Cute indeed! Good for you for jumping right into those yoyos - fear be darned. (PG version for younger readers - hah!)

    That would be so fun to wear (yet another one of) your creations on your own head - yay!

  5. adorable! can you post a pic with you wearing it?

  6. Awww..it IS adorable!!! (just like you!)

  7. super cute--now we need a pic of you wearing it! Kinda like the Red Velvet gals--Elsie Flannigan and co.

  8. awwww...*swoon* - LOVE the hairpiece! And to me, the bigger the better!

  9. I love this! It turned out so cute!

  10. That IS cute. Good job on the YOYO.

  11. That is gorgeous! Are you selling headbands? Because I would buy one!

  12. It's so gorgeous! You did a great job - would love to see a photo of it on! Theresa

  13. That turned out super cute!! You have my address, right??? I need something like that since I'm sportin' this super short do! lol!!

  14. It's great! Good for you for tackling it.

  15. Warning...Yo-Yos can be addictive :O)! I love this gentle work to wear in your hair. It makes me smile thinking of you in all your glorious smiles and laughter, Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  16. I recently started making these too and now I cant stop.I love your colors and beads!!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  17. It is adorable - just like you! and yes, yo-yos are easy if you don't over-think them! Addictive too.


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