
Missions Accomplished!

Well, I can honestly say that I did everything on my list over the weekend!

I created this cute Hello Kitty card: (Don't worry, I won't be posting them daily or anything, now! HA! I just love this cartridge!)

Hello Kitty Card 2

Seriously! These are so fun to assemble! I love it!!!

I also began working on a new doll that I'm pretty excited about. He is still very much in progress and I will post photos of the stages later because I actually remembered to take step by step shots. It is just so exciting to try new techniques!!!! He will probably make his completed debut during the Mad Tea Party!

ALSO, I bought a new toy over the weekend with my 50% off AC Moore coupon!

Victorian Mold  -- new toy!!!

Isn't that just freaking COOL???? I really l love it! It will allow me to create cabauchons (sp?) and flat faces for wrapped dolls and such. I'm wicked excited to try it out. Just a fun little toy.

And, my goal list also included working on a doll dress that I had in mind and that has begun as well! Do you remember the fabric I showed you the other day? Well, I cut that into squares and started patching it together.

Patchwork in Progress

I am stitching this together entirely by hand I am finding that I REALLY enjoy it! Actually, as it turns out...sitting on my bed and stitching does wonders for a headache. Although, I did combine that with Excederin, too, but STILL! It is just a calming exercise. I thought it would be tedious and drive me crazy, but I am really liking it. I still wish I could do it faster, but that's because I'm about as patient as something that isn't very patient at all! HA! Just say'n.

So, that was my weekend. I will post the t-shirt winner later on! I hope you had a wonderful weekend.


  1. I love your fabric patch choices and the idea of stitching in bed sounds VERY relaxing. It must've felt great getting so much done over the weekend.

  2. That is such a cute card.
    Sewing in bed, I have never done that before, probably because (knowing me) I would loose the needle teehee. Oh I could do it on hubby's side of the bed teehee.
    Your quilt is coming along quite nicely.

  3. What a busy weekend! How exciting you got so much done...love the card!

  4. Awesome! I love how the patchwork dress is coming along!

  5. What fun! Can't wait to see your new doll and how this dress comes together. Have fun with your new toy! Theresa :)

  6. You may post those cards everyday ;) Great find on the molds and your fabric is wonderful!

    Deanne :)

  7. That fabric looks like fun....but I, personally....CANNOT WAIT to see what you do with those dollies!

  8. ok we all expect Santa ornaments from you this year with that mold! :-D

  9. Love the fabric and so glad that you found your "Zen" in handstitching the quilt. Next time I get a headache, I may try that. Or maybe not.LOL You are so talented!

  10. There is something peaceful about sewing by hand...just allowing the repeated motion of the needle and thread is something often overlooked in our day to day rush to get "work" done. I am proud of you so enjoy your discovery. Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. That quilt work is looking great!! Your instincts, as usual were spot on!

  12. This is going to be pretty. Can't wait to see it.


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