
Just Another Manic Monday

...oooooOOOooOO. Wish it were a Sunday....Oh, oooh, oh. Just another Manic Monday.

There, now that I have officially put THAT song in your head for the rest of the day...HA! fun stuff, folks! FUN. STUFF!

Well, let me tell you. I mentioned that I have been super busy and I was NOT lying my friends! Last week I was working desperately on my Mad Hatter to finish him up. I have to say, the more I see him, the happier I am with him. I had originally 'sculpted' a tiny tea cup for his hand, but I didn't end up using it. Then, because 'sculpted' is probably used a little loosely in reference to that particular tea cup, my husband suggested that I check out some doll house ones and give him a tiny china tea cup and I sort of love that idea, so I am going to be looking for one sometime this week because he just needs a stinking tea cup. Just say'n.

Oh...and no, I don't mind having an honest husband who compliments my dolls and then might have said something about the tea cup looking a bit more like a coffee mug...that was made in kindergarten art class. He migta' said that. HA! He *mighta'* been right. Just say'n. HAAAAA!!!! *sigh* Our life is amusing. I must say.

Also, The Hubbums has been working a ton and he had lots going on at night this past week, so this weekend was the first real time we got to spend together all week. THAT was fabulous! I love spending time with him! He is so much fun! And so darned cute! Just say'n.

Saturday was a bit of an adventure. I started a brand new very part time job doing demonstrations at craft stores for Provo Craft. It was SO much fun! I used to work retail full time and I was one of those weird folks who kinda actually really liked that line of work. I miss it sometimes and it was just SUPER fun to be back in a store setting and talking with customers and playing with a Cricut and getting to talk about crafty stuff ALL DAY LONG! I love it. It's super way fun! My back, however, has become QUITE accustomed to my desk job. It was less than happy after a day on my feet and made a point of letting me know! Yikes!

Oh, and I am finally getting into full swing training and stuff for my new position at work, so I've had all of that going on, too, so basically, I've been running around like a chicken. Just say'n.

The GOOD news is that there is lots of fun bloggy stuff coming up this week! I have a great Skipping Stones Design blog post planned for tomorrow INCLUDING a PRIZE!!! It's a blog hop, so don't forget to stop by! It will be fun! I also have some stuff I want to show off using Tombow GOODNESS!!! AND, who knows what else I might come up with along the way!

Also, I still have two giveaways running right now, so enter those QUICK! And spread the word! One is for the FABULOUS Designs by Diana and the other is a wonderful CSN Stores Gift Certificate Giveaway!

Leave me a comment! Anything fun going on in your life lately? US folks, do you have any exciting plans for the upcoming holiday? I DO!!! I will tell you about that later, though! I can't WAIT! Have a Happy Manic Monday!


  1. It's Canada Day on Thursday - I am looking forward to a day off in the middle of the week :)

    Congrats on your very part time job :)

  2. You do have a LOT going on... so you are a cricut demonstrator! How fun!

    I am off Friday through Monday for the holiday and I can hardly wait!

  3. Golly me! It sounds like you are on hover-shoes... you know, when your feet don't touch the ground? Isn't there a song about that too???? I'm off to inspect your giveaways-missed them somehow!! Have a good day, and your part-time job sounds like you're being paid to enjoy yourself really!! Apart from the backache, of course, you need to wear a corset, you know like in the 1700somethings?

  4. The Mad Hatter was fabulous. You did an excellent job. I love when you can get constructive and honest feedback from the hubby. Don't really have any major plans for the holiday - just going to do barbeque at the parents. Which reminds me that I need to purchase special goodies this week at the grocery store! Glad to hear you are enjoying your part-time gig and good luck with the new position at work! Theresa

  5. What! I go away for one weekend and miss all this. I scrolled down and peeked at your Mad Hatter.

    Canada is on Thursday, but hubby and his employee's agreed to work it and take off the Friday instead, so YEAH we get a long weekend.
    Wonder what I will miss then :)

  6. Your life sounds like a lot of fun Jingle! I always love reading your posts! I have been getting ready to host my DH's family for this weekend ~ so I am a little bit manic myself! Blessings!

  7. Glad you got to spend time with the hubbums. It's nice to have that quality time together. And does sound like you've been crazy busy girl! It'll be fun to see all that's up your sleeve.

    We are preparing to go out of town for 10 days which is keeping us pretty busy, along with kid stuff, soccer, swimming, friends, etc. Busy times but wouldn't trade it for the world. Maybe just a few "me" moments! bwahahahaha Happy 4th to you!

  8. Wow! You are super busy!! I would like to be super busy but alas the car died (remember my post about the battery dying a while ago?) and tis time a jump start is NOT reviving it!

    I can't believe we don't have any July 4th plans... or maybe sweetie just hasn't told me! Anyway looking forward to hearing yours!

  9. Today was definitely a Manic Monday with chauffering 3 kids all over creation and helping 3 customers with projects. Not a stitch of creative work was done, sadly, so I'm hoping to do something tonight.

    Big plans for us is spending the 4th with my Dad with all his 80+ friends at his apartment complex. I'm telling you, we are LIVING THE WILD LIFE here, hahahahaha! Actually, he has an amazing view of the fireworks on the river from his balcony, so it's worth it.

    Your Provo job sounds like fun, J, I'm excited for you!

  10. That's how I felt today...another Monday:-)

  11. Can't wait to hear about your holiday plans! Mine will consist of a traditional, colonial Fourth of July celebration!

  12. Wow, your Mad Hatter is awesome and you are one busy lady! Nice blog.


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