
HELLO KITTY IS HERE!!!!! Wordless Wednesday....HA! Like that ever happens.

Well, folks.  This was SUPPOSED to be a photo of MY brand new Hello Kitty Cricut Cartridge that I was SO excited to get in the mail yesterday.  HOWEVER, I'm dumb and forgot to hit the actually 'upload' button this morning, so, alas, I don't have that shot.  So, I share with you this one instead:

I'm pretty excited to play with it!  I got it on ebay for only $18!!!!  Talk about an amazing deal!  Brand new!  Complete with Cricut Rewards Certificate inside!  I can't wait to play with it!!!!

****Oh...and I had a shot of my desk for what's on your workspace Wednesday, too, but, alas, the upload issue.  Therefore, I will post that later this evening along with the photos of my hand completely and utterly covered in decopauge glue.  Because I am STILL pealing that damned stuff off!!!!  *sigh*  Some days are just dumb days.  Just say'n.  ***

For more Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday posts check out here and here!


  1. Stopping by from WW! You're very funny! I love my cricut too -- don't have the Hello Kitty cart yet but I've been thinking about it! Happy Wednesday!


  2. And there was me thinking you had a new cat!
    Isn't peeling glue off your fingers the most satisfying occupation, especially if someone sees you and thinks you are shedding like a python or something. You can reall gross people out in the most satisfying way!!!

  3. giggled at the actually "upload" button. i think there should be a button that says "ACTUALLY upload" because then at least you'd know you're really, truly uploading, and not putting faith into a piece of equipment that's going to let you down!

    but i digress....
    congrats on the $18 find, girlie! i can only imagine the kind of stuff we'll be seeing in this here space! :D

  4. How awesome is this!?!? I was a giant hello kitty fan when I was a kid!

    ...and as for wordless... you are about as wordless as I am silly girl! hehehehe

  5. By the way, I followed you in Google connect and Networked. This is one way to keep in touch. Hope you do the same
    MAPEH homepage
    Pink Go Green

  6. Happy Cricuting!!! That cartridge is SO YOU!!! Yup!

  7. LOL you remind me of me... I always sucked at Wordless Wednesday posts cos I always had too much to say!

  8. That is a cute cartridge. I guess I should get over my fear of ordering stuff from the internet.
    When I was young ny GF and I would melt wax on our hands so we could peel it off. Ya too much info. eh LOL.

  9. I love Hello Kitty! Can't wait to see what you create with this. :) Theresa

  10. I love that you just posted this...YOU actually inspired me several weeks ago to purchase cartridges for my Cricut. (I'd always just used the 2 that came with it...and thus, didn't use it that much.)

    Joann Fabrics was having a sale so just 2 days ago I picked up Fairy Tales & Wild Card...I am SO SO excited to play with these! (They had to order Wild Card.)

    Do you find many on ebay? I think I may be starting a new addiction... :)

  11. ooh, that cartridge looks like you will have lots to play with! yay! and I hear ya on the dumb days...I seem to have more than I should - oye vey!

  12. What is with Hello Kitty? It is so in right now:-)

  13. Hey Jingle, you'll laugh over this-you've said "like that ever happens" and on my blog, I just posted "like that ever happens". Great minds think alike. (and fools...)

  14. Stopping in from WW. That's a cute Hello Kitty set.

  15. have fun with your new goodie!

  16. Eeekk!! How much fun will that be?!?!?!? Have fun!

    Deanne :)

  17. I always get a rush too when new supplies and tools arrive. Enjoy your new find.

  18. fun.. i heart hello kitty. you are going to make so many cool projects with your new toy!

  19. too fun! Love HK. And if it were truly wordless over here I'd have to wonder if you were feeling okay ;-)


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