
What's On Your Work Space Wednesday and Wordless (Not Gonna Happen) Wednesday!

Yup.  It's that bad.  11 May 2010

Funny, they say a picture is worth a thousand words and this one TOTALLY says so much about my life right now. I can't even begin to put it into those actual words, but yes, my desk REALLY IS that messy, as is the studio surrounding it. I've been able to be fairly productive, but it's certainly a mess and I would so love to get it good and clean! I just seem to want to use every ounce of time I have in there to actually make stuff!

For More Wordless Wednesday posts check here!

To see more wonderful workspaces go here!

Leave a comment! I need them today!
ADDED: ****I have a guest post up at Every Day Bliss today!!! Check it out!


  1. Girl, that's a crazy table! I don't have a table, just a rolling cart from IKEA and the top looks like that - don't feel bad!

  2. My desk looks like that as well!!! Was hoping the cleaning fairies would come when I was asleep!!! If I find em ills end em over after!! it looks like a fun mess though!

    ps Im no good at wordless either - thats what my slice of sundays was meant to be - yeah right, so not happening!!

  3. a picture is worth a thousand words, indeed! girlfriend, your workspace is NUTS! but an organized chaos, right?

    i love taking a little peek at the areas of craftiness where it all happens. just an interesting little tidbit about the artist. :)

    need comment love? i has plenty to give! XO

  4. wow now that is what i call a very busy desk,lots of goodies to nosey at, have good day, sue,x

  5. ~an array of inspiration...pieces waiting to be touched and made into something beautiful...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  6. Gah - frustrated by not being able to enlarge!! The fourth July 'thing' at front looks gorgeous. And all those stamps just out of view!! A Happy inspirational desk if you ask me!

  7. Ooh fabby desk. Lovely to have a look round. Have a nice day.xx

  8. I think you need an INTERVENTION *LOL*

  9. A cluttered work station is a HAPPY work station - that's what I think! As long as you can find everything you need! LOL Have a wonderfully crafty day! Theresa

  10. Mine is totally clear right now, but in about an hour, it will look something like yours! and I won't be able to find the scissors when I want them and I was JUST using them...happens every time! :)

  11. Jingle Jingle Jingle...a true artist's work space if I ever saw one...LOL!! Hummmm, you have given me some inspiration too...love the bottle person you have started.


  12. My ENTIRE house takes turns looking like that! It will be several days of making huge messes... things that we think we will "be etting back to at any moment" and then finally I hit a breaking point and pile everything into boxes and bins only to repeat, often within minutes of clearing the stuff up!

    I think it looks super fun over at your place!

    Oh and for all you folks who are looking for MORE JINGLE come on by my blog for Ask A Question! Another terrific guest post by Jingle

  13. Wow lots going on here today! I agree why tidy when you can be creating! Joey.x

  14. Well, sure enjoyed seeing that messy table. Makes me feel a bit better about mine!!

  15. I'm thinking about getting the Child's Year cart. Do you like it? Not even going to comment on the work space because it looks normal to me.

  16. I spy, with my little eye, A DOLL and some DOLL PARTS!!! :)

  17. Nothing wrong with wanting to get on and create rather than tidy up :)
    Anne x

  18. My entire family room looks like that. I have decided the only way I will get better at keeping things a little more organized is by limiting my space. Now I do all my sewing on the kitchen table (the only table we have to eat at, and I have a rule that we actually eat at the table). Once I whittle down my stash, everything will be much easier to keep organized and neat so I can make a creative mess (as opposed to just a plain mess that I am stuck with right now).

    Love your desk!

  19. I could work on this desk, it looks just fine to me! I read your guest post and loved it-I think if a person looked up
    "whimsy" in the dictionary there would be a picture of Jingle!

  20. Hi, I'm using PVA glue watered down - the one I've actually got at the moment is Elmer's Glue-All from 'The Works' but any PVA should be fine. I have to say though that I'm starting again with the fabric paper 'cos I tried changing the colour again but didn't like it so tried to wash some colour off and ended up peeling all the tissue paper off I'm going to try using Distress Ink re-inkers 'cos I think it'll look good coloured with Tumbled Glass :)
    Anne x

  21. that desk only says one word to me - MAD!!!

    I spied a stamp set about bra's at the bottom of the pile - never seen those before!!!

    Paula x x x

  22. OMIGOD, I may have to lie down for a bit! However do you get anything done there? Looks like the desk of somebody who enjoys themselves however ...

  23. your desk is so interesting, no wonder you are so inspired to be creative with so many goodies at hand! hugs debx

  24. I love your desk, it looks very interesting! I can't do wordless!!

  25. You know what they say about a messy desk being a sign of a brilliant mind. Or did I just make that up to make myself feel better?

  26. Thats one creative work area. Like the look of all that stash, I would love to have a rummage. Tracy Evans x

  27. Ha Ha Love the create chaos Jen!

  28. I'd love to pull up a chair and start digging through some of your goodies!!

  29. I sooo want to look through it! I bet you know where everything is though!

    Glenda @ Me and Mine in a Small Town

  30. I felt right at home. I have tried to be more organized now that I am taking a picture on Wednesdays - but I just don't have it in me to be the kind of person who puts things away as I go! I may just need it again!

  31. LOL. I must confess sometimes mine gets to looking just like that. But its s sure sign your being productive! If mine was tidy all the time I'd never get anything done!
    You can always clean it later. LOL

  32. Yes that is certainly one of the busiest desks I've seen today but if youre happy with it thats fine with me :-)
    A x

  33. That is ONE busy desk! I have been doing a big overhaul of my craft room the last few days - more floor looks something like your desk LOL

  34. Now that really IS messy *LOL*

  35. Whoa! How do you work on that! Look who's talking- my desk can get as bad as that! The doll on a bottle looks promising! Patsy from


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