
Happy, Sad, and a The Importance of a Quality Underwire...

I'm happy to be feeling a bit better.
I'm sad that the Hubbums is not so much. *oopsies!*

I'm happy that the Hubbums play went really well over the weekend.
I'm sort of sad that it is all done.
I'm REALLY HAPPY that he will be home more instead of at rehearsals!

I'm happy that it has been super warm the last few days!
I'm sad that it is raining today...still super warm, though, so not too bad.

I'm sad that I was sick for part of the weekend.
I'm happy that I was well enough to make a couple of fun cards yesterday!

I'm happy that I got to see my sister yesterday.
I'm sad that I don't see her more often.

I'm happy about lots of things that are going on right now, and sad about others. Isn't life interesting???!!!

Anyway...I want to show you a super fun card today. Think of it as sort of a sneak peek at some of the fun stuff you will see on my blog this month!!! I will give you more details tomorrow, in the meantime, enjoy some support! ;-)

Thanks for all your Support!

This is a super fun card that I created using some SUPER FUN stamps from Skipping Stones Design!!! Like I told you...more details to come tomorrow, but I couldn't possibly wait to share this one with you!

Support Card Close

I stamped the images and then pieced them together a bit before adhering them to the background. I popped a couple of them to give dimension because you guys know how much I LUUUUUUVVVV dimension on my cards!

Support Sentiment detail

The sentiment is stamped and mounted and then it is also popped up! LOVE! Seriously. It makes me laugh. I'm sorry. I can't even help it! HA!

Support Detail

I added just a tiny bit of sparkle, 'cause you know...every girl needs some sparkle in her day! And the ribbon at the top finishes it off perfectly!

These stamps are actually not even released yet, but there is the first edition set available on the web site, so totally check them out! I will share more from Skipping Stones Design tomorrow!!!!

Did you have an awesome weekend?


  1. Awesome card! There's nothing like good support! ;0)

  2. HAHAHA! That is a great card!

  3. OMGOSH...I LOVE this card. Hehehehe!!
    You come up with some of the cutest ideas J.

    So happy that you are feeling better and I hope that hubbikins get better soon too.


  4. Wow - awesome card! Love it!!! Glad you are feeling better. :) Theresa

  5. BWAHAHA...LOVIN the card! Sorry you felt bad!

  6. Super cute card and I like the Happy/Sad thing, very cute idea.

  7. Wow - this is fantastic! Great idea!

  8. cute,cute,cute! love this card. Had a fine weekend...had a birthday which is both happy and sad. 42? Are you flippin kidding me?! Yet, it beats the alternative and not having a birthday. :)And my daughter's show opens this week and runs for three weekends. I'll be glad when it's over, but glad to see it too!

  9. Oh my GAWD.....your card - my blog today.

    LOVE IT.

  10. Excellent card!
    Congratulations on winning Mrs Brady Old Lady in her palace on Electra's blog. :-)

  11. I so so so love this card. That sentiment is just perfect. I seriously love everything about it.
    Glad your feeling better. Like I always say you have to share in a relationship. The good and the bad LOL

  12. So stinkin' cute. I need those stamps!

  13. Totally cute card! Had a good weekend, managed to stay off the computer for an entire day! Missed a few posts though so time to play catch up.

  14. This card makes me happy.

    I am sad to leave your blog.


  15. Jingle you are just too cute- love the card.

  16. The card is darling... and there you go sneaking some deep thoughts in for us again! Glad you are feeling better!


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