
Happy Mother's Day! (Okay...I'm a little late, but that's okay, I was late when I was born, too, so it works.)

What? I WAS!!! Two full weeks, actually. I was supposed to be a January baby, but, instead, I share my birthday with Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin. It works for me. I like February much better than January, anyway! HA!

Well, I can't show you the gift I made for my Mom yet because, umm....I didn't make it yet. I had some supply issues (as in ... I didn't have them) so she will be getting her gift a bit later, but I am super excited about it, so I PROMISE to show you as soon as I finish it! SO CUTE!!!

I DID, however, manage to get her card made!

Happy Mother's Day Card

What better day to play with fabric flowers than MOTHER'S DAY???!!! I created this one with two different fabrics. A pretty white, grey, and purple patterned fabric strip is used for the center, and a lovely lavender is used for the rest. I love it!

Fabric Flower on Mother's Day Card

I used my Cricut (Calligraphy Collection Cartridge) to cut the sentiment and added some Stickles for a bit of sparkle! The cut got a bit lost on the text background paper, so I inked the paper a bit to darken it and I love how it made the sentiment really pop!

Happy Mother's Day sentiment

And the best part? She liked it!!! It is so wonderful to have some people in my life who really appreciate the handmade cards that I create for them!

Fabric Flower Mother's Day Card Angle

On another note, my AWESOME sister has a brand new blog for her theater company and she needs some followers!!! Please check out Take the Stage and become a follower! If you live in the New England area, or know anyone who does, we would love for you to spread the word! It is really a fabulous program!

Don't forget to enter Friday's free food giveaway!


  1. What a pretty card! I bet your mother LOVED it!

  2. HAHAHA... I made a card similar to yours for my mom too! Only mine was teal and lime green!

    Great minds (oh and my gift to her was delayed as well).

    I need that Cricut cartridge... like NOW!!!That's the one with the banner right?

    Are we secretly sisters? hehehe

  3. That card is so cute. I would never have thought to ink the background on the card. Good idea.
    I agree it is nice when the gift recipient loves the handmade gift. I have been lucky enough that no one hasn't liked one yet, or they are excellent actors LOL

  4. That looks like the perfect Mother's Day card:-)

  5. Oooh, now I want the Caligraphy cart!

  6. That's a gorgeous card and I love the dimensionality of it. Is that a real word? I like how the letters pop against the inked background. You stopped by my Elmer's glue crackle post and asked if I'd used modge podge for a top coat. Nope. But if you try it and it gives you a crackled top coat that would be awesome. Let me know, would you? Thanks so much.

  7. Very creative! These would be a great line of cards to market! Thanks for joining Modern Craftswoman Monday. Hope to see you next week!

  8. How lovely, gifts are so much better when they come from the heart and hands, so I'll bet she loved yours!!!!

  9. A beautiful card full of wonderful detail..Flower..wow!!I'm off to check out your sisters blog!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  10. Fantastic card! Can't wait to see the gift you make her. ;)

    Ok, off to check your friend's blog now.

  11. WOW - the card is stunning! These fabric flowers are so wonderful. Yours really sets the card apart and makes it so special. Beautiful - I hope she loved it. :) Theresa

  12. Beautiful card! I love it and I bet your mom did too...

    I couldn't post her gift because she would have seen it ahead of time, but I totally know what you mean by being late. I couldn't post her gift because it's not quite finished, HA!

    New follower!
    -Ann Marie

  13. Nice card!!! Awesome that your mom appreciates that you go to so much beautiful effort. Of course I would expect as much since she is YOUR mother!

  14. Life is better when I visit your blog...so much joy and laughter. This card is darling and looks just like you...full of energy and positive energies. Imagine and Live in peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  15. I am in love with your post, you have done a great work, specially the colors that are amazing, thanks for sharing.

  16. well of COURSE she loved it! it's a Jingle original, and it's fabby! good call with the inking behind the sentiment - TOTALLY poppin'! and, well, that burlap? MMMMMM. lurve it!

  17. This a beauty of a card my lovely, and isn't brilliant when the recipient really appreciates it!
    A really great flower as well.


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