
All She Wanted Was Rearranged Furniture.... She Meant Business

Heee!!! Isn't that just a fun title for a piece? I think so. But, for me, it's not flaky at all...it holds something deeper. Something that is actually very real.

She Wanted to Rearrange the Furniture

This is my latest mixed media collage piece, "All She Wanted Was Rearranged Furniture." It is based on a chip board house. Yup. I love it. ANNNNNND....what I love even more is that I have a bunch of them so this may become a series. I'm not sure yet.

All She wanted....furniture

The lamp is cut from Studio Calico goodness. (Also sometimes referred to as paper. HA!) I absolutely ADORE this line from SC, but I kept looking at it without any direction, so I was THRILLED to be able to incorporate this small bit of it into this piece! Now I'm all fired up to use more of it!!!

All She wanted....furniture

As you can see, this is the text portion. I coated the words with Liquid Glass and I love how they look!!!! Makes me happy. Just say'n.

All She Wanted...furniture

This is the lady of the house. Isn't she just wonderfully sophisticated? I certainly think so. You should to. Because I said so. No. Really. Trust me. I know these things. HA! She is ready to soar into her dreams with her beautiful wings!

All She Wanted....furniture

And if those buttons don't must make you swoon, well, then I don't know if we can be friends anymore. HA!!!! Kidding.

sort of.

No, but for REALS, aren't they fabulous???? I found a wonderful little jar of vintage yellow buttons at a local antique store and I fell in LOVE! It was actually sort of hard to use them because I love them so much, but I am SOOOOO happy that I did because they look fabulous! And I still have some in the jar, so I'm not too sad. And I know the store has more in lots of colors if I just MUST go get them. You know. If I MUST. Just say'n.

I love to know what you think of these projects, so please click through and leave a comment! Thanks!!!! That makes me love you even MORE!!!

Oh...and on another note of things I am TOTALLY loving right now...Flickr + Picnik = Happy Jingle. Just say'n.

I am joining in the following parties!!!! 'Cause, dude, parties are fun!

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  1. Hey Jingle - the lady comes from where? I love the old 40s 50s lady patterns that Graphic 45 and October Morning have in some of their papers. Where did you get yours? The buttons, sigghhhh, I so know what you mean about using some of your coveted stash. I have old blue canning jars full of old buttons and I have to give it up sometimes to use them. Love the layout and boy, I need to get some of the Liquid Glass. I see so many uses for it

  2. I looooove this little house Jingle! I can totally see making a series of them to frame or just hang around all together! I cannot wait to see what else you have in store with these little fellas!

    ...oh and I know all about using up beloved vintage pieces... but like you I get so excited when I finally find the right piece to incorporate them into! You nailed this one!


  3. Very cute! I do hope you make a series. I think the lady of the house would like some company. ;0)

  4. Love the phrase you chose {and the buttons!}. I think she definitely needs some companions. :)

  5. Totally fun! The saying makes me laugh because I LOVE to rearrange my furniture. And when I rearrange, I don't mess around :)

  6. Adorable! Love vintage projects. You rock!

  7. LOVE it, Jennifer! And I love the idea of it being a series. I love the kitsch of it and the deeper meaning of the title. GREAT JOB!!

  8. This is sooooo soooo soooo cool!!! I love this! My new Jingle fave!! Wow!!

  9. She is really very sophisticated!! : )

  10. Yes she is VERY SOPHISTICATED! I do that too... buy stuff but then don't want to use it because I want to keep it! In my case I also think "I'll ruin it" in addition to my hoarding tendencies!

  11. I was wondering when you were going to that beauty posted....thought maybe it got lost in your bag ;)! Love the finished product and good for you for taking the plunge and using your buttons

  12. That is beautiful. You made it? That's pretty cool.

  13. Yes I think you should go back to that vintage store and pick up some more of those buttons, I can see you needing more. Teehee

  14. Diggin' the retro lady card!! Very nice :D

  15. Awesome J...just AWESOME!!!!


  16. Love the look of the Liquid Glass - heaven is in the details!

  17. Dear smiling Jingle...I definitely see a wonderful series coming from your energy and happy place. The text is so informative and the images are inviting the viewers to come close and say..."What?"

    Imagine and Live in Peace, mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  18. Great piece. Love the longing look in her eyes. A series is brilliant. Love it.

  19. I hope you make this into a series - I really like this piece! I always thing rearranging the furniture solves all the world's problems. :)

  20. It;'s great! Love the title for this one and its retro feel! ;)

  21. Visiting from Heckety's. I am the one who did her button art piece so you know I love your collage!!
    That is a really nice, unique piece.......great job!

  22. I like the way you think, Jingle,this is sweet. And we're still friends, cus I'm swooning over those buttons. (Well, the whole piece, actually).

  23. Love your vintage piece. The buttons, the woman...all great! I hope you do make a series.

  24. This is a terrific piece - I so love what you did with it. And congratulations again on having the photograph appear on Papercakes! Theresa

  25. Very neat!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday! Please join me next week for another great party!


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