
FABULOUS Giveaway!!! Canvas Print!!!!

I am SO excited to share this months UPrinting giveaway opportunity with you today!  Seriously.  It is AWESOME!!!

You know those fantastic Canvas Prints that you see and you wonder how they get the photo on to the canvas and have it look so amazing???  Well, today, my dear friends is your chance to WIN one of those amazing prints!!!  I'm wicked crazy excited about this one!!!  Seriously.  Can you tell?  UPrinting specializes in all kinds of custom printing including Promotional Printing, Custom Stickers and Labels, Banners, and more.  The thing is, they also have amazing stuff for photographers, crafters, shop owners, and folks who just love to display their photos in their home!  This canvas print is one of those amazing items!  Oh...and for you crafters who may not want to hang a canvas photo on your wall think about what you could do if you had a great pattern printed onto the canvas - that would allow you to use it as a base for your next piece!  Oooooohhhh!!!!  I have so many ideas churning for this one!!!

So...here are the details on what you can win:

16 x 20 Rolled Canvas for One (1) Winner

Specifications: 1 Business Day Turnaround

Shipping: FREE UPS Ground Shipping

Eligibility: Limited to US Residents only (per the sponsor's request)

And here is what you need to do to enter:

Mandatory:  Visit Uprinting and tell me something else you think you might be able to use from their expansive list of services!

Optional Additional Entries:

*  Follow My Blog AND leave a comment letting me know (Old and new followers welcome!  Just leave an extra comment!)

*  Leave a comment with a LINK to the photo you might have printed on this canvas in an EXTRA comment.

*  Blog about this giveaway with a link back to this post and leave THREE extra comments!  Spread the word!!!

*Tweet or Facebook about this comment and leave a link to your post in an EXTRA comment.

This Giveaway will close Sunday 21 March and the winner will be posted here on my blog.  Be sure to leave contact information if you would like me to email you if you win!

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!!!
***Disclosure:  UPrinting is offering a Blogger Appreciation Prize to me matching that of the winner as a thank you for posting this giveaway.***


  1. Sounds like a great prize, but no need to enter me in this one. I'll give everyone else a chance. ;) Good morning, Jingle!!! xoxox

  2. Just saying "hi" and wow - you have over 400 followers!! Well done!

  3. Guess I can't enter boohoo.
    I guess there is one disadvantage of living in Canada LOL.

  4. ahh now you just reminded me of a project I wanted to try!!

    I saw a cool canvas photo/print/piece of artwork when I was in New Zealand - and was going to buy it - and the more I looked at it - the more I thought I could MAKE that

    hmmmm - project for the retreat next weekend I think!.. I must dig out the photo I took of the objet d'art I want to make!

    Also - I have canvas you can print on - I wonder how easy it would be to print your own photos on to canvas hmmm

    - stop giving me ideas Jingle!!! LOL

  5. Great prize, Jingle!!!! I love anything canvas!! :)

  6. i would love some business cards!


  7. I follow your blog! I have been working on paintings lately, and I want a great way to print them up. So this giveaway seems very cool. Thanks!!! :) Theresa

  8. Oooh pick me! Pick me!! The only thing I got on my walls right now is Junebug's jacked up 1st grade glitter drawing and the menu from Panda Express next to my speed dial, LOL!

  9. I could use their vinyl banner service
    dumei42 gmail com

  10. following your blog
    dumei42 gmail com

  11. Hi! I just read your moxie post. I love it. You've got a new fan in me!

  12. the booklets! I really want them cuz I have some Ideas to use them for my wedding

  13. tweeted!

  14. What a cool give-away. I checked out their site, and have to say I would choose a canvas. It was what kept pulling me back.

  15. 'wicked crazy excited'...hmm, if ever a phrase was dead on, that's it! love it!

  16. Very nice giveaway! I love Uprinting. They offer great printing services. I love their business cards!
    BTW -- your profile pic is adorable! :)


  17. I'm a new follower!


  18. Here's a link to the picture I would love to put on canvas! It's the last picture of this post...



  19. I'm in the market for business cards, so I'd use that service. Great giveaway!

  20. I follow


  21. I like the business cards for my parents. I teach kindergarten.



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