
SUPER Fast SUPER cute and SUPER Fun...really...does anyone need more than that???

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So, as I mentioned...or maybe I haven't...I'm not sure, really.  Headbands have totally become my best friend in this whole 'growing my hair out' process.  If you have ever had the joy of going from a rather short cut to something longer, you understand.

THAT being the case, I needed some cuteness!!!  I have a couple of super totally awesome wicked crazy cool feather headbands, but sometimes that's a bit more than I really need and quite frankly, one of them squeezes my brains out.  Just say'n.

SO....I made some new ones!!!!  And I'm going to show you how, 'cause it was super wicked crazy easy and they came out SOOOO cute and they are making me so totally amazingly happy right now!!!!



Start with a pack of SUPER cute felt/lace embellishments from Precocious Paper!  (Oh, did I mention I TOTALLY took the cheater method for these?  HA!!! I totally {heart} Etsy!!!)  BUT...if you are mildly less lazy than I or, perhaps, not needing them NOW NOW NOW you can make your own adorable little embellishments.  Either way works.  Just say'n.


You need some clippies.  Get the slightly larger ones because you might need room for more than just hair.  I promise that will make more sense later.


Then you need the almighty adhesive.  Yes, my friends, this is a glue gun project.  If you hate glue guns you are welcome to stitch things together, but that takes longer and, well, we already discussed the FAST part of this process, so you know....I'm lazy and went with the glue gun.  Just say'n!


Attach the clippies to the back of the flower embellishments.  I suggest doing this with the clip open so you don't accidentally glue it shut.  Not that I would do something like that ever.  It's just a precaution, is all.  You don't want to go nuts with the glue, but you do need enough for it to hold firmly, so don't be too stingy.


Okay...so now you have clippies!  You COULD wear those in your hair as is if you have normal hair.  They would be super cute!  However...I, in fact, do NOT have normal hair.  I have super fine, crazy thin hair that argues with things like clippies and barrettes.  SO....that's where these abso-freaking-lutely fabulous elastic headbands come in.

1.  They don't try to squeeze my brains out.
2.  They fit well.
3.  They keep my hair in place.
4.  They provide a more stable connection point for cutesy clippies!!!


You have two choices at this point.  You can attach the clip to the headband as shown above using the clip(s) OR you can put the headband on and then attach the clip(s) to both the headband AND your hair to sort of tell your head who is boss.  If you need to do that sort of thing.  You know.  Some people have that issue.  Just say'n.

AND THEN.......are you ready for the best part?????



(I have NO Idea what is up with my nose in this shot, but whatever.  It is what it is.  Only it's not, because I don't even have a big nose.  Forehead, totally, but not a big nose.  Just say'n.)


So....do you love them?  Cause I pretty much totally do!  AND you can switch out your colors and where different combinations, making it even MORE fun!!!!  I'm totally sporting the turquoise and white today!!!  LOVING IT!!!! 



  1. Those are soooo cute! What a great way to add them to headbands! Thank you so much for sharing this project :).

  2. Great, great project tutorial and yeah for using Tessa's stuff!! She makes wonderful flowers!!! And I love her ribbon clothespins!

  3. Super cute!

    Please feel free to stop by the Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family link party, and add your weekly craft links!

    It's found at theherberfamily.blogspot.com

  4. Love this idea! Thanks for sharing. I'm going to have to try this sometime!

  5. Love it! Even with that big nose of yours. LOL! Just kidding. I wear headbands everyday and it would be nice to have something cute to add onto my headband.

  6. Ok I just figured it out. Reading you posts, which I love by the way, reminds me of JunieB Jones. My daughters loved those books when they were young. Just sayn.

    Love your head bands. Your cowlick looks just like mine don't you love it, not. LOL

  7. fabulous hair decorations, such a great idea! hugs Debx

  8. I can see that these snaps are really beautiful. The headbands are really making the post attractive one. These headbands are simple but attractive one.

  9. This is a GOOD THING! My daughters will be along later to put some yokes together- they can be 'Jingle Yokes'!!!!!

  10. I love all these flowery head bands. So darn cute.

  11. You put that well, about squeezing out brains! That has always been my problem with headbands. This sounds like a good alternative.

  12. Those are super cute!

  13. Oh my word, you look so totally ADORABLE with that floral headband! :)

  14. So cute! Stop on by and link this up at my thursday linkup called Make it, Wear it!

  15. Headbands and clips are ca-ute! They look like they are so YOU. :)

  16. these clips are so cute! thanks for the great idea!


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