
Some Said She Didn't Deserve Sunshine

If you are coming over from Whimsical Bohemian for the One World One Heart Giveaway Please Click This Link!
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OH!  And a quick note to those who asked yesterday...My Mom bought the slippers for me at Anne Taylor Loft for Christmas.  I don't know if they have those ones anymore, but I know they had a similar pair in black that were really cute, too!

Some Said She Didn't Deserve...

This is a mixed media on stretched canvas.  It is small.  I think it is about 3 1/2 x 51/2 or so.

Some Said... Wings

I created the background using multiple layers.  I began with a thick layer of gesso using brushstrokes to add texture.  Over that, was added a vintage book page with french text.  I covered that with an acrylic paint/glitter glaze mix that I thinned out and then added a couple of layers of crepe paper over the vintage book page.  I overstamped with distress inks and sealed the base so that the ink would not run.

Some Said...face

I used decoupaged the face image after cutting it to the shape I desired and singing the edges.  The wings are stamped and cut from handmade papers.

Some Said....torso

Her torso is stamped into polymer clay with distress ink.  I love this because even after curing in the oven, the distress ink retains it's imperfect look.

Some Said...detail

I used various trinkets and such to detail the features.  The piece is finished with a simple phrase:

Some said...text

I think her simple beauty and the glitter that surrounds this young lady prove those people to be quite wrong, indeed.  That's what I think.

Some Said She Didn't Deserve Sunshine


  1. Very nice...but it makes me feel a little sad.

  2. OK, first... I am LOVING that artwork!! So cool!! very awesome!

    Second, I love the LOFT!! :)

  3. Love the collage, it's absolutely gorgeous!!

  4. You're a crafty little thing, aren't you?

  5. The words make me sad, who doesnt' deserve to be in the sun.

  6. She is WONDERFUL! I love how you incorporate clay in your work.

  7. oh my she is fantastic, I love it!! I am #1092 and would love to be part of your give away..


  8. completely gorgeous! You are so talented!

  9. Love it! I always forget to break out the polymer clay!! -Thanks for the reminder. :)

  10. Have I told you lately how much I love your style? You are a very creative young thang! :)

  11. Love it. And I love the words...perfect for the piece.


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