
It's My Birthday!!!

Yes, it would appear that the day has arrived!  I love my birthday!!!  I really do.  I'm like a little kid.  A guy I work with likes to remind me that it is nothing special and it is just an ordinary day.  He's wrong.  Just say'n.
No, for reals, though.  There is just something great about having a day that is special to you and your family alone.  Birthdays, anniversaries, you know....those kinds of things.  They are actually EXTRA special because they are personal, they are real, and they are just pure, unadulterated fun!  

And, on another very extremely amazingly FUN  note...My sister is an actress, she is actually getting ready to leave on an educational tour this coming week.  Because she always has an eye on  calls and such she sent me some info on auditions for a community theater production of Clue in our area. Well, The Hubbums gave it a shot and last night he was given the role of Wadsworth!!!  Yes, that would be the hilarious butler played by Tim Curry in the movie.  LOVE IT!!!!  I am so excited and so proud of him!!!  I can't wait to see it!  He is going to have a blast!!!!  (Oh...and if, perchance, you haven't seen the 1985 film - go out right now and get it.  Sit down.  Watch it.  Trust me on this one.  It is SO worth the time.  Hi-freaking-larious.  Just say'n.)

And...I also have Monday AND Tuesday off from work, so that is super great, so basically there is just lots and lots of super great going on around here and I'm kinda hyper about it all!  HA!  I know...totally UNLIKE me to be hyper and such.

Oh.  Wait.

But....anyway....since I'm in SUCH a fabulous mood and since I'm having Pink Snowballs (Hostess) for breakfast 'cause it's my birthday and I can, I've decided to do a REALLY QUICK GIVEAWAY!!!!  Yup!  Just over the weekend to celebrate all the good stuff!  I don't know what it will be yet....it's a surprise, but it will be good!  It may be made by me, it may be bought by me, it may be both.  Who knows!  The point is...it will most certainly be SUPER FUN!!!!

To enter to win just leave a comment, but make sure it's a real one.  If you only say 'I wanna win!' or 'Pick me.' the random generator has a habit of skipping those numbers.  Just say'n.  Hee-hee.  That's all!!!!  Have a super happy FRIDAY!!!!!


  1. Hi Jingle,

    Happy Birthday!

    I wanted thank each participant in my OWOH draw and wish you luck on February 15th.

    Thank you,

    Thank you for the very nice comments on my blog!
    Her class was enjoyable...however...it was 65$! You can basically take her class for 10$! I bought her DVD she made and she explains the process step by step and the DVD is amazingly created!!!
    I do not have her blog address handy but if you skip back over to my blog, you will see where I added a link on her name.
    So worth it!!!
    Anyway, enjoy your day and make the most of it. If you are like me, you will find a way to drag it out a week! :o)

  3. Happy birthday lady!! Hope you have a fabulous day. <3

  4. Happy, happy birthday to you!!!!! And that is so cool about hubby! Congrats to him on that!! have a great long, long weekend!

  5. Hey Hey Hey Jingle...it's your Birthday today!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    (doing the cha-cha dance to celebrate)

    WOW...congrats to the hubby. That is going to be a FUN role to play. LOVED the movie..OMGOSH..I need to go rent it and watch it again and again and ok ok you get the point!!

    A giveaway on YOUR special day..what an awesome chick you are.
    Thank you thank you thank you!!

    Now go eat another Pink snowball...HEY it's your Birthday..you can do that (*_*)


  6. Happy Birthday to you.

    Arent birthdays fun. I love them too just not the number part. teehee.
    Yumm pink snowballs. Wednesday it was Gumdrops and today snowballs.
    You have had a yummy week.

    I love birthdays too! there so much fun!
    So do you have any super fun birthday plans ??? :)

    We have the movie clue! it's great!

    Pink snowballs? haha what a great birthday breakfast!
    Hope you get some super awesome time to craft this weekend!


    And I am totally with you on birthdays being a big deal!!! I am allabout promoting my birthday. It is January 22 and I usually start, oh, around Thanksgiving-ish!!! hee! :-)

  9. so so wonderful about your hubby getting that part.. now that is really exciting for you! Way to go!!! Thks for offering some blog candy. it always brings more comments, u know that.. again, thank you... and I'm so happy for you both! and mon and tue off? lucky.. I only have monday off... happy friday!

  10. Happy Birthday!!! Wow...I know a lot of people with February birthdays (my daughter, included!)

    Congrats to your hubby for landing a part in that play. We have the movie, "Clue" and hubs has seen it, but I haven't. On your recommendation, I'm going to watch it this weekend. :)

    Enjoy your extra long weekend!

  11. Happy, happy birthday!!! Hope you have a fabulous day and a wonderful weekend full of loooove & happiness!!!

  12. Happy Birthday to you - Happy Birthday to you - Happy Birthday - Happy Birthday -- Happy Birthday to you!!

    Love birthdays too! Have a fabulous week-end:)


  13. ~Happy Happy Birthday to you!!~ May your day be blessed with everything special and your year be filled with more blessings than you can count.
    Congrats to the hubbuns on the role!!

  14. Love those pink snowball things. Haven't had one in years. Enjoy it!!

  15. How fun for you hubbums.

    Hope you have an extra special birthday. I love my birthday. Can't wait to hear about the goodies you recieve.

  16. Happy Birthday Jingle! Sounds like your birthday weekend will be loads of fun! Can't wait to hear all about it next week! :)

  17. Happy Birthday! Oh and that movie IS awesome and one of my faves.

  18. Happy Birthday and YAY for a super-long weekend! I think birthdays are truly special and they should be a big deal. I like to celebrate my whole birth week- because it only comes once a year so I might as well enjoy it!

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and spoil yourself a little!

  19. Hey Friend! Happy Birthday! Love that you love your birthday because I feel the same way about mine! I know you will have a fabulous bday weekend! Congrats to your hubby on the role! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  20. Happy birthday & have a fantastic weekend!

  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Your excitement is infectious. I smiled just reading your post. I can picture you jumping up and down, tearing open that Pink Snowball and munching away while dancing about to your favorite song! :)
    Have a lovely birthday and a Happy Valentine weekend. ♥Theresa♥

  22. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day! And congrats to your hubby! That sounds like lots of fun. :-) Enjoy your looooonngggg weekend!

  23. Happy, happy Birthday!! Hope it's the best ever and wishing you a great year!

    Congrats to the hubby for his role and hope he has fun--it is a great part!

    My hubby is celebrating his bday Sunday--on valentine's day!

  24. Happy Birthday!! So exciting your Hubby got a fun role. Wish I lived closer so I could go see it. I hope you have a super weekend!!

  25. Happy birthday Jingle! You sound very happy! I'm jealous of you having a snowball for breakfast. And I think it's super fun that your husband wants to try acting! Very cool role, too. Have a great weekend!

  26. Happy Birthday!! Woo birthdays!! :)

  27. A very happy birthday to you! I really enjoy people who enjoy birthdays. Whenever I hear someone complain about an upcoming birthday, I like to tell them it beats the alternative. It's either get old or get dead.

    Anyway, I really love your blog. It is so much fun to read, especially because I tend to also be random and skip around a bit, so your blogs keep me interested.

    Have a fun day and enjoy your long weekend!

  28. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a day full of beautiful things.

  29. happy happy birthday!!!!! Hope you have a great extended birthday weekend.

  30. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dearrrrr Jennifer,
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu.

    Hope it is the most fantabulous one yet.

  31. Hippo Birdie!!

    and Tim Curry rocks my world!

  32. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you get your Birthday Wish and I know you are going to have a blast!!!hugs

  33. Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you have had a great one!...I love the movie Clue. My best friend and I must have watched it a hundred times when we were in high school. It never got old. Congrats to your hubby on getting the part. That is sooo cool!

  34. Happy Birthday! I ventured over here from your super kind comment on my OWOH giveaway - I haven't even made it to your (other) giveaway yet! I saw this post and had to comment.

    And then...I saw the Clue picture. That is TOTALLY awesome that he'll be playing Wadsworth! Oh my goodness that is one of my favorite movies - I'm still quoting lines from it. ("Oui, oui madame", "No, I just have to powder my nose"...sorry, couldn't help myself.)

    I am most certainly becoming a "follower" and can't wait to check out your giveaway!

    THANK you!

  35. I've popped over through the OWOH event. Happy Birthday - it's also my grandmother's birthday today. She just turned 87. Hope you've had a great day.

  36. Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!
    And thank you very much for your nice comment on my blog.
    Have a great weekend.
    MARTINA :-)

  37. How cool! Happy Birthday from another February baby! Mine was on the 10th! I'd love to win this giveaway! It would be like another birthday present! :)

  38. Happy Birthday!!

    I also wanted to say congrats. I just saw you won over at
    I love when I see ppl's names I "know". Have a wonderful weekend!

  39. Happy Birthday ! I has been fun meeting your on the OWOH ride. I love your enthusiasm and positve attitude ! Enjoy your celebrations !

  40. (She clears her throat) ahem!
    Happy Belated Birthday to you, Happy Belated Birthday to you! Happy Belated Birthday Dear Jingle, Happy Belated Birthday to you!
    .........and many more!!

  41. I missed your birthday! Happy belated one and happy Valentines day today! BTW I love your ruffle red slippers!

  42. I hope you had a super fantastic Birthday, Jingle! It's not just any ordinary day! It's like a National Holiday that only you and your closest friends and family celebrate.

    I love Birthdays. I like to make mine stretch out for a whole weekend or a whole week... better yet - the whole month!

  43. Congrats! You won my OWOH giveaway! You can pick out 10 semi-gloss collage sheets from my shop! Or I can surprise you. Please email me your choices and your mailing address to krishubick@hotmail.com

    Happy Birthday too! I'll be 31 march 6th :).

  44. Happy Birthday my dear and guess what you are a winner! Yeh, pop over and see what you won. This is a lucky birthday for sure!


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