
I Totally Flocked This Up!

Seriously. I love it. It makes me happy. With all of the business lately and the re-working of my scrapbook studio I haven't actually created ANYTHING! It sucked, dude. Not fun at all.

Well, okay, so it was totally fun getting my room all set up and I did throw together the placecards and the favor tags for the wedding, but I did that so fast it didn't really feel like I was making anything! LOL! It was all kind of a blur! LOL!

BUT...things are settling down slowly but surely. The Hubbums' parents arrived late last night (well...early this morning, maybe?) and they will be visiting for a few days so that will be lovely. Because we will be running around doing some super fun stuff (can you say HARRY POTTER exhibit at the SCIENCE MUSEUM???!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!), I may not be able to create this weekend, but I should be able to take lots of fun photographs! Knowing that...I decided I just HAD to make something last night. I had time, I had a clean, beautiful room to work in and I had some fun new stuff to play with! Talk about a KILLER combination!

And...I had this. That would be motivation. LOL! So, I decided an ATC was the PERFECT way to jump back into the crafting that I love so much.


Heeeeeee!!!!! It came out SO cute! I played with some of my new toys to create it, too, and so that made it extra fun!


The background is a vintage encyclopedia page that JUST SO HAPPENED to be the page about Valentine's Day. Boy am I lucky! ;-) I used a couple of distress inks (tea dye, antique linen, and worn lipstick, I think) and some glimmer mist and distress stickles. Happy things!!!!

I used Sally Cricut to cut the hearts from red cardstock in three sizes. LOVE that tiny little size! I think I'll be using that A LOT! I covered the hearts with Martha's Glittering Glue and then flocked them.

Ummmm.....so, I have not really used flocking much. My parents gave me FIVE awesome bottles of MS flock for Christmas and I was SO excited because they chose the most perfect colors EVER! So, I tried it and I am IN LOVE! Soft fuzzy goodnesss!!!!! Seriously. I may flock everything in sight. Just say'n.


BUT...there will be some things that will be saved from my unscrupulous flocking - yup! That's because I will be forced to GLITTER everything else! That's what I did to the bottom heart. I love it. It's shiny and perfect and fabulous and wonderful and sparkly, and happy, and stuff. And that glittering glue is AMAZING stuff! Check out the coverage on this thing! Holy Sparkles, Batman! I love it!

I finished off the card with some baker's twine because baker's twine makes me happy. I like to be happy. This ATC pretty much makes me happy.


What is making you happy today?


  1. Honestly that's just fabulous and I would love a cricut but I cant. buy. one. more. crafting. thing. not one more. sob.

    This is just adorable and if it was up to me, I'd glitter the world....


  2. Adorable! I am loving all the hearts and Valentine's stuff lately!!

    Have a fun weekend with the fam!

  3. Wow I love this ATC!! I have some Doodlebug flocking that I haven't used much yet, but it is def one of my new favorite things. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. ooohhhh I love how this turned out I have never flocked before....looks awesome with the glitter. Sally done ya good!
    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Your ATC has made me happy today, it's great!

  6. Absolutely adorable! Hmmm, I guess I am happy that the horse camp trip that my girls took two years to earn is finally here!!

  7. Beautiful and cheery!!
    Have a great visit with your in laws!!

  8. Awesome ATC! Really nice inking and flocking! I have the flock, I used haven't used it. Any advice?

  9. I'm gonna have to get some baker's twine. I love it beyond words!

    I think you are having too much fun. You might like a new magazine that I just picked up...Art Journaling. I've been staring at it for days, and it seems like your style.

    Have a great weekend. I'm jealous about the Harry Potter thing.


  10. Love it!! I really wanted to try the MS flocking. Glad to hear you liked it. I think I may have to make some polymer clay flocked bunnies....

  11. That is so cool, and your photos are great too. That's kismet that you had an encyclopedia page on Valentine's Day.

  12. I used my SIL's cricut that she received for Christmas last Monday. Man was that thing cool!

  13. what you made is gorgeous! I need to use my cricut more...there are so many things to craft with and just too little time. great photos!


  14. Adorable!! But looks looks to messy for me to make.. :)

  15. That is so cute! It would make me happy too.
    Basically, my family is making me happy today:)

  16. Oh your atc is just so adorable dear and so love all the detail you have put into it. I love using flocking too it is just wonderful stuff. Looks like your mojo is back in full swing dear Big Hugs


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