
Just How Many New Obsessions Can A Single Crafter Handle, do you think???

Winter Posy close

Because, seriously, folks.  I'm stacking them up around here!  Okay, so yesterday I showed you one of my super cute little pin cushions, right?  And I told you that I love making them, right?  Well, did I mention that I'm actually a little OBSESSED with making them right now?  Yeah....'cause I totally am.  They come together fairly quickly so I can do it all in one sitting if I want, they are great little gifts, and they make me happy EVERY time I finish one.  How can you go wrong, really?  Just say'n.

BUT...then...last night I wanted to create something NEW and FUN and super CRAFTY, so I decided to play with fabric again!  AND...what to my wondering little eyes should appear (well, after some cutting, folding, stitching, gluing, etc.), but a magnificent fabric pin!!!!  LOVE.


For Reals.

Winter Posy Back

This was SO much fun to make and, again, one night!  I love projects that I can do all in one sitting.  I'm sort of an instant gratification kind of girl, kwim?  AND...to make this even MORE super fun...it's totally upcycled.

Yup.  You read that right.  THAT gorgeous little flower pin is upcycled.  "But, Jingle, there is NO WAY!  That doesn't LOOK like an Earthy Crunchy Green Girl project!"  Seriously.  It is.  It's an old JCrew hoodie that I absolutely ADORED and it became unwearable, so I've kept it around and I've been using bits and pieces of it for projects ever since.  Love that!  Now it will live on forever.  And ever.  Amen.

Winter Posy

So, seriously.  I love this pin.  I am now OBSESSED with these, too.  I want to make lots.  And I have some old unwearables just WAITING for my needle and thread to hit them!  I can't wait to make more!!!!  I might attach this one to a headband that I have.  I can see them on purses, jackets, cardigans....oh, dear....we may have a problem on our hands.  LOL!



  1. Oh my gosh, that is ADORABLE!!!! Would you mind terribly if I copy your idea???? Copying is a form of flattery after all. My girls would LOVE this and I'm still looking for fun things to make them for Christmas

  2. I totally support your new addiction and just to show you how I am here for you I will allow you to send me all the ones that start stacking up and getting in your way! LOL! So cute!

  3. So cute! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, all your pictures are so great!

  4. I love that! Thanks for sharing with us!!

  5. Very cute!!
    I love pins and this is adorable!!

  6. My guess is that it's roughly 963,479,345.2 NEW obsessions that a crafty girl can handle... but that's just my rough rough guess.

    Cute pin Jing.

  7. Flippin fantastic upcycling!
    (crafty gals can handle new obsessions to infinity & beyond)

  8. That pin is adorable! I would totally pin it to my winter jacket!

  9. What a clever girl you are!! Super cute flower pin.

  10. I love that! It's way cool! Love love love it.

  11. I know, I totally do that, too! I'm currently very obsessed with vintage Christmas and with scrapbooking with ephemera!

  12. How cute is that!! I love it...although I can't believe you cut up a JCrew hoodie, that first cut had to be hard LOL. -Great recycling though!!!

  13. OMG I'm not the only one doing this then! For about the last month I've been churning out tons of different things...first it was paper flowers (stacks of those sitting around), then it was chipboard buttons (a big bag of those now) and now it's clay stuff. Well, at least I know I'm not alone. :P

    Love this pin!

  14. what fun! I firmly believe one can never have too many obsessions ;D

  15. i have so many obsessions too! I love your pin, too cute!

  16. Cute little flower brooch!

    Hey, I wanted to say thanks for entering my blog giveaway (the Twilight coin purse). Even though you're not a fan yourself I'm sure your friend appreciates you trying to win it for her. I thought they were hilarious as well. Thanks for your kind words.

  17. There are just so many great ideas to try! I can't limit myself either!

  18. Wow this is sooo clever of you and sooo adorable!


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