
I've Got Nothin'

No, seriously.

Not a single thing.

I'm not quite sure what to do about that, actually.

You see, I haven't created ANYTHING in over a week now.  That's depressing.

I got a couple of craft books from the library last night hoping they would inspire, but one of them turned out to be a total dud.  I'm still holding out hope for the other.

I know I could rant about something.  I'm just not really feeling a rant right now.  That's depressing, too.  I'm pretty much always game for a good rant.

I probably should mention that the Lil' Scrappin' Mama Kit Club that I was so excited to be on the design team for has been put on hold indefinitely due to a tragedy in the owner's family.  That makes me sad.

I could talk about the fact that it is officially the Christmas season now...but that's about all there is to say about it.  Yup.  It's Christmas time.  The music may now begin!  The trees may be trimmed.  That's kind of fun.  Not depressing.  It is a bit stressful, though.

I could talk about the fact that I did a little experiment with all of you.  (Well, some of you, anyway.)  I changed my blog to appear in a reader in truncated form.  Guess what!  While I did receive a couple of complaints, you guys commented more and my counts were higher for that week.  Just say'n.  That being the case, I'm debating putting it back that way again.  Feel free to leave your thoughts.

I DID get my tree up over the weekend.  That makes me happy.  The Hubbums made an executive decision and let the lights blink!  Yikes!  I'm a white lights only kind of girl and I've never let them blink.  It's growing on me.  I think I might even like it!  Now I need to make the little crepe paper ornaments that I decided I wanted to decorate with at the last minute.  I have silver balls on the tree now and it is pretty, but I want some red in there, so I picked up the crepe paper last night and I am going to make some way cute ornaments.  I'm excited about that!  I need a good tree topper, too, so if anyone has seen any good ideas for that, I'd love to make a new one.

I am sorry this post is not funny.  I think my humor is triggered by the same synapse that triggers my rants.  That theory is based entirely on the fact that I don't seem to have humor OR ranting in me at the moment.  Perhaps not the strongest basis for a theory, but it works for now.

Also, I am SO EXCITED to go see this!  I can't wait.  It's here.  I just need to find a good time to go.  It looks AWESOME!!!!

So, what is up with you lately?  Is there anything you would love to see me write about?  Anything you'd like me to create?  I'm WIDE open to suggestions right now!  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. My older daughter went to see the exhibit when it was in Chicago and she said it was awesome!!

  2. Hmmm - what's new with me? It is December 1st and it FINALLY snowed today!! That is great news :)

  3. I think you need a challenge. Come check out the Scrap Our Stash Challenge blog - it may be just what you need to get you out of the "non creative" funk you seem to be in.


    You know you want to!

  4. Here's hoping you get back in your crafty groove soon. :) But, sometimes that downtime can be good. Have fun at the exhibition!

  5. Can you share what you are making with the crepe paper? I'd love to see.


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!