
There's just nothing like a couple of forced days off...

....because your sick. Yup. I do apologize for my absence yesterday and this not so entertaining post today, but right now, I'm just thrilled to have the strength and energy to sit in front of my computer and type at the same time! HA! No, but really.... it's not the flu or anything like that because I don't have a fever, but MAN did it knock me out yesterday! I will share this little ATC that I created with you so that you at least have something to look at today. Hopefully, I will be back to my usual self by Monday. If you are lucky - I may even post one of those 0h-so-seldom weekend posts! LOL! ONLY If you're lucky though! HA!

Autumn Is Upon Us ATC

Autumn is Upon Us Close

Debossed Acorn


  1. Ooh I hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy the weekend!

  2. So sorry to hear you are sick, I love your ATC card...I really love the "coconut" ( we call the acorns coconuts at my house due to when my great niece was little she said "Awww look at all the coconuts refering to the acorns!)So we loaded her up with her coconuts to take back to PA to feed her squirrels! You know me "I (blank)right!"

  3. Hope you feel better soon - must have been something strong to knock the Jingle bunny down!! Sounds as if you are bouncing back!! Take Care!! Marilyn

  4. Heya...I drew your name as the winner of the Ed Roth book Stencil 101 giveaway on my blog! :) Email me your address and Chronicle will send the book directly to you. :) Congrats!

  5. Love the card!
    Hope you are feeling better. {{Hugs}}

  6. Hope you're feeling better. Love the open space & textures of your ATC

  7. Hope you are feeling much better and fast! The card is amazable! (My new word for amazing and adorable)


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