
*Giveaway!* - 50 custom Thank You Cards with Envelopes from UPrinting!

Here is another fantastic giveaway from my sponsor, UPrinting! I'm pretty excited about this one!

One reader will receive (50 ct.) 7 x 5" (folded to 3.5 x 5") Custom Thank You Cards with plain envelopes directly from Uprinting!

Folks, the holidays are SO upon us and now is the time when you need those quick and easy thank yous for hostesses, gift givers, and just those who do something nice for you!

While you are there checking out what you might win, also check out some of the other awesome services they provide, such as envelope printing!

It's easy to enter, too!

1. REQUIRED: Leave a Comment on this post letting me know what you would use these great cards for!
2. For an EXTRA (not required) entry follow my blog and leave an extra comment letting me know! Those who already follow are welcome to leave a comment letting me know, too!
3. For an EXTRA (not required) entry follow me on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway! Be sure to include @JustJingle and @Uprinting in your tweet!

That's it! Good luck! This giveaway is open to US addresses only. The giveaway closes on Friday, November 13th and winners will be notified that day and will have 48 hours to get back to me. Uprinting has kindly given me the same prize that they are offering to one of my readers as a thank you for posting this giveaway.


  1. How fun! I know the #1 comment never wins but I'll throw my hat in. :) I would use these cards to make awesome baby announcement postcards for my SIL (not me!!!) as she's been quite busy since the birth of her first child.

  2. P.S. I just added you to my Google Reader so I'm now following you! :)

  3. I'd make cute teacher thank you cards.


  4. I follow


  5. oh my goodness, what an AMAZING giveaway!!

    thank you cards in bulk would be IDEAL for sending to all of the members of my Cafe Mom group - they are FANTASTIC ladies and the camaraderie is so refreshing! i love those girls!

  6. hey! and i follow!

    i've seen your stuff all over the place, so now i can keep better tabs (and more inspiration!)! :)

  7. What an awesome giveaway! I would use the thank you cards to thank people for Christmas gifts. I would also use them to thank swap hostesses.

  8. This is a great giveaway! I would use them for my freelance design business or for my kids to send thank you notes for Christmas gifts.

    wind blown melody at gmail dot com

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I would get some TY cards, with pics of my son at the park.. :)

  11. Those would be great for Christmas gift thank yous...and for the leftovers...it seems thank you cards are the ones I never had already made up in my stash when I need one quick...so I would keep them around for "emergencies."

  12. My husband just opened a new business and I'd love to thank everyone who helped us get it going. Thanks for the giveaway!

    s.mickelson at gmail dot com

  13. This would be such a cool prize! (And help with the Christmas stuff...)

  14. I would use these thank you notes throughout the year to thank people for things. I do this already, so having some free ones would be great!
    nynekats at aol dot com

  15. following your blog
    nynekats at aol dot com

  16. These would be great to send out after the holidays to people. Have never done that before but maybe its time!
    one 4 earth at aol dot com

  17. I follow your blog.
    one 4 earth at aol dot com


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