
So...two men walk into a bar....

...It figures! At least a woman would know well enough to DUCK!

HA!!!! It's Monday morning, what more do you want from me? LOL!

The first October Challenge is up over at Use Your Stash!

This was a fun challenge. You need to base your layout around the letters O,C, and T. (Get it..October...yeah.......)


So, I figured a Cowboy was JUST what I needed for that letter C portion! LOL!
I also incorporated both Close To My Heart and Cosmo Cricket products to get LOTS of 'C's' in there! For the 'O' I used an Old Encyclopedia page along with some Orange, and for the 'T' portion I used trims, tags, twine, and Tim Holtz inks!!! TONS of fun!
Cowboy encyclopedia page close up

I loved that I had a page from the Cowboy description in the old encyclopedia! It couldn't have worked better!!!

Cowboy stamping closeup

I did some shadow stamping (also called two-step stamping) with varying intensities of the same ink colors to give a nice western feel to the page.

Cowboy Detail Shot

I love how the wooden buttons worked so well with the overall theme.

Cowboy Title Detail

To create the leather title tag I worked a leather tag in my hand for a bit to soften it up and create creases and wear it down a bit. Then I inked it with three different colors of distress ink to make it coordinate perfectly with the layout and stamped the title with the darkest ink color. The stamps are from Pink Persimmon!!! I love them!!!

So let me know what you think! If you would like to participate head on over to Use Your Stash and check out what the rest of the Design Team created!

Are you doing anything fun this week?


  1. I love how this page turned out! I did not know about that stamping technique! I'll have to see if I can figure it out!

    Hope you have a good week! I am waiting for Friday (already).

  2. I really like this page! Great job on all the extra details on it!

  3. Great layout! You have so many resources to use to make everything look great - double inking, distressing ink, etc. and I'm so glad you take close ups so I can see how you do it!

  4. Love all the details that make this look terrific!! Great distressing and using different techniques!! Can tell that you had fun with this!!

  5. Oh I love that dictionary page too...worked just perfect! I like this challenge...I might have to participate whenever I can get back into my scrapbooks.

    Jamie :)

  6. Love this page, the wooden button look marvelous and I love the use of all things manly, the encyclopedia is genius and well it is an all round great page, plus it helps to know a cute cowboy.

  7. I loveeee this layout! Details are just perfect for this page!You are soo talented I love seeing your work!

  8. cute blog
    thanks for visiting me on my special sits day, I hope you had time to enter my giveaways!
    See you soon, The Buzz Brandy


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