
Switchflops by Lindsay Phillips Review and Giveaway!!! *CLOSED*

There is nothing better than a great giveaway on a Friday, and let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I have a GREAT GIVEAWAY for you today!!!! Seriously. I'm wicked crazy excited!

I would like to introduce you to Switchflops by Lindsay Phillips!!!

Here is what they say:

What They Are: Classic sandals with a fresh new look.
...(an) innovative, interchangeable footwear line.
...All of the SwitchFlops straps are undeniably stylish.
Create an endless shoe wardrobe with over 70 strap choices.
Here is what I say:


Yes. I am totally serious. First, let me begin by telling you that I am not one of those people who wear flip flops every day of my life. Nope. I'm not. I don't even wear them every day in the summer, actually. Would you like to know why? I will tell you why. Because most flip flops out there are just plain YUCK! I like SHOES!!! Real ones. With cuteness, comfort (although, even I've been known to consider that optional if the cuteness factor is high enough), and style. I consider my shoes to be part of my outfit and a very IMPORTANT part at that.

You know those $3 flip flops they sell at a certain trendy store that every teen in America seems to own? Yeah...those ones. These are NOT those flip flops! Those flip flops are flat, plasticky, and in general, not cute.

SwitchFlops, however, are AMAZING! I started seeing a few bloggers talking about them and I got curious because they really are an ingenious idea! The strap velcros onto the shoe and you can purchase a variety (over 70, actually) of straps to switch out giving you ENDLESS options! I LOVE THAT!!!
There are a variety of great shoe styles to choose from, as well, so you really do have TONS of amazing choices when creating your own style shoe!

SwitchFlops sent me the Lulu in Black with that absolutely ADORABLE Black and white polka dot strap attached. Umm....can anyone else say CUTE???!!! They also sent me the Cora (cute purple) strap to switch out. The purple strap looks SO cute on the black shoe! I really love it! Plus...now I can totally wear the same shoe two days in a row because all I have to do is switch out the strap!!! Yay me!!!

Let me tell you what struck me right away with these fabulous SwitchFlops. Comfort. As I previously mentioned, I don't like those thin flimsy cheap flip flops that you get at that one blue place, and part of the reason that I don't like them is that they are SO painful! Seriously! When I look at a casual sandal like a flip flop, I expect comfort. SwitchFlops are, indeed, comfortable! They have a nice thick sole and I really feel like my arch is supported in them. I took a walk during my lunch break yesterday and these were perfect! They were cute enough to go with my outfit, and practical enough to wear for my walk. Actually, when the box first arrived I had just got home from work and my feet were KILLING me! I had been wearing a on-supportive shoe and I had made the mistake of walking a mile and a half in them. That hurts. I was so excited about the newly arrivedS witchFlops that I put them on right out of the box...Aaaaahhh.

I kid you not, folks. My feet felt SO much happier! These are really a comfortable and cute shoe, all rolled into one! I really can't say enough good about them. I am 100% totally sold! These are great shoes! My next strap is TOTALLY going to be the Brittany! I love it!!!!!!

Also, SwitchFlops is doing a great thing for the community, as well! They have recently launched their Breast Cancer Awareness SwitchFlops!

Cute for a Cause! Seriously, folks...you can't get any better than that!!! 25% of the proceeds from this SwitchFlop will be donated to Youngh Survival Coalition and The Mammography Voucher Program at Morton Plant Mease. I will be posting more on this later, but I love working with companies and supporting companies that do great things. This...is a great thing. There is a wonderful opportunity to share your stories on the website, so please check that out and share your story to inspire others!

Now....for the GIVEAWAY!!! ( I know...that is what you have all been waiting for!)

SwitchFlops by Lindsay Phillips has generously offered to give ONE Just Jingle reader with a US address ONE pair of Switchflops (your choice of style) and ONE strap (your choice)!!! How exciting is THAT?!!! I'm excited.

You do not have to be a blogger to enter, however, this one is open to US addresses only. Please be sure to leave your contact email (you can disguise it like this if you want: jinglesells at gmail dot com).
1. Visit the SwitchFlops website and tell me which SwitchFlops AND which strap you will chose if you win! (Don't worry...you can change your mind later if you win!;-))

***Optional Extra Entries***
2. Follow my blog. You MUST leave an EXTRA comment letting me know you follow.
3. Post about this giveaway on your blog with a link to this post along with a link to SwitchFlops. You MUST leave an EXTRA comment with a LINK to your blog post
4. Enter my Large Format Posters Giveaway. Leave an EXTRA comment on THIS post letting me know you entered!
5. Follow JustJingle and SwitchFlops on Twitter and tweet the following:

Enter to Win a Free Pair of SwitchFlops from @JustJingle and @SwitchFlops! http://tinyurl.com/y9qzptk

I was sent a pair of SwitchFlops and one strap to review. I have received no additional compensation for my review.
Giveaway Will Close on Saturday, October 3rd at midnight EST.


  1. Switchflops are awesome!! I have the brown pair with several straps. I love them and wore them just about every day in the summer.

  2. I love the Taylor - white scroll with the Jordi strap.

    melacan at hotmail dot com

  3. Very cool, I especially like the pink ones. :) Don't count me in the giveaway, I think I'm going to order a pair. I just want to thank you for leading me to their website.

  4. Lulu Brown wiht a Kaley strap - brown and pink, my fav

  5. I'm already a follower so I get the extra entry - thanks

  6. I agree - such cute shoes! I love the breast cancer ones having a few close family members battling it. Love that they support the cause - don't count me in the giveaway either! I will order a pair! thanks for leading me to the site!

  7. I love the lulu in black and the brandy strap (orange with flower)...these are SO neat!

  8. Wow these are really cool , I had fun trying out different combos of sandals and straps. I would chose the Lulu tan sandal with the brittany strap

  9. My favorite are the breast cancer awareness flip flops. I am happy to say that mom is a breast cancer survivor


  10. I love the lulu pink peace. great giveaway
    anne molino at hotmail dot com

  11. entered the large format posters giveaway

  12. following both on twitter and tweet

  13. What a great giveaway.. I love the black taylor with the polka dot strap. These are too cute so thanks for sharing.

  14. Thanks for the cool giveaway! I love the Taylor in black and the Brittany strap. :)

    hottmomma_03 at yahoo dot com

  15. I follow your blog! :)

    hottmomma_03 at yahoo dot com

  16. I love the breast cancer awareness flip-flop!

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog the other day! Your happiness over the frog made me smile :)

    Your giveaway looks totally fun! I like the LuLu sandal with the Janet strap. Fun stuff!

  18. Thank you for joining SC's blog hop!

  19. I love the little crocheted orange flowered strap...or maybe the classic black and white...or the breast cancer awareness pink...or...

  20. Thanks for the chance to win fun stuff! I entered the poster contest as well.

  21. Wow, that's a hard choice! I think I'd go with the Taylor in brown with the Louise straps.

  22. I love the lulu black shoe with the alisa strap!
    So fun and I am such a black and white lover that this is perfect

  23. I follow you blog and love it by the way.
    Hope I win the switchflops :)

  24. I follow you and switch flops on twitter

  25. I can't decide between the white scroll and the breast cancer ones. I'm an oncology nurse, so I will probably pick the breast cancer ones.

    I like the elba strap for the breast cancer flipflops
    and the Janet strap for the white scroll ones.

  26. Terrific giveaway! I am loving the Lulu in brown and the Gayle strap.

  27. Really? I have to choose?!

    Ok, fine! I like the Lulu in black with the Native-Laura strap.

  28. I'm already following your blogity blog. ;D

    I'm also already following you on Twitter and am now following SwitchFlops.

    Now I'm off to tweet about this fabulous giveaway!

  29. I love SwitchFlops! I actually have several pairs/straps myself already...so I would love to win this as a gift for my sister :)

    I know she'd like the Brown Taylor Wedge w/ the Jordi straps

    contact me at:

  30. Blog follower!

    contact me at:

  31. Liking the Taylor black with the roz strap.

    What a cool idea.

  32. I love the LuLu in navy and would get the ailene straps to go with it to support my Gator's! ;)

  33. I am following you both on twitter, and here is my tweet.


  34. Taylor Brown w/ Roz!
    time4music at aol dot com

  35. love the black with the evan strap...very cute


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