
Thinking of You and The Creative Process

I am sure I am not alone in this. I started to create this card a couple of weeks ago. I was, at the time, actually making it because I needed a card to give to someone that night. I chose my papers, cut them out, and punched my butterflies because I had a vision.

Only one problem.

That's about where my vision stopped.

Cosmo Cricket papers, a scalloped circle in two parts, and some butterflies.


I began to assemble the pieces and that's when I decided that I wasn't going to make this card at all! I stopped, set it aside and made the "Just Drop'n In!" card that I posted a few days ago for the recipient instead.

Yup. A COMPLETE AND TOTAL halt. That's what this card came to! And just to keep it interesting, as you can clearly see, the card I actually made is MUCH different in style than this one that I am showing you here.

Sometimes I think creating has EVERYTHING to do with what mood I am in. I was not in the mood for 'pretty papers' and butterflies that day. I was in the mood for fun papers and stamps and robots, instead! The thing about this is....

....I put down the card...I didn't toss it. Because I knew I would return to it eventually...or at least I hoped! LOL! Well, alas, I did return to it and here is what I did with the pretty papers and the butterflies! I think it turned out great! What do you think?




As I mentioned, the papers are Cosmo Cricket. The ink and the Distress Stickles are Ranger. The stamp is Hero Arts. The ribbon is Basic Grey and I honestly have no idea who makes the brown felt flowers because they were given to me! LOL! The punch is from Martha, but we try not to mention that too loudly. LOL!

How much does your creative spirit depend on your mood? What do you do when you realize you've started the wrong project at the wrong time?


  1. Love the card! Ha ha, last time I started a project when I wasn't feeling it, I chucked it over my shoulder at the wall and went on my merry way! :)

  2. Well, Jingle, it is beautiful. I love everything about it.

  3. beautiful! one of my favorite pieces of your work.

  4. The card is gorgeous. I find I go through phases. I might have days where I want to knit, weeks where I just want to draw, or times I want to stitch.

    Tania (via SITS)

  5. It's beautiful Jennifer!

    I totally agree about mood and creativity. Sometimes when I have an actual job/work order I have to literally force myself to do it. (Usually because it is booorrrrrrring.)

  6. great card, love the butterflies.

  7. ugh...I totally share that with you! sometimes I just can't do pretty and put together! sometimes I need fun and funky! But you really hit a home run with this card girl! gorgeous!

  8. Very pretty card!!! And, uh, i also have that, uh ::coughcoughmarthacoughcough:: punch. :-)

    I believe our creativity totally depends on mood. Sometimes what I create will come out nothing like what I picture in my mind because of how I am feeling. And sometimes my mood totally hinders me from being creative at all.

  9. I am glad you returned to is, its a beautiful finished product.

  10. That is just beautiful. Did you antique the edges, or is that just the paper?

  11. I totally get "un-inspired" too, and if I DON'T stop (and set it aside) and instead force myself to finish, it ALWAYS comes out crappy- which of course just makes me even grumpier and less inspired! So I have learned my lesson- walk away when my "mojo" is not workin....

  12. I can totally relate. How can you do something beautiful when you are not in the mood right? Whenever that happens to me and I really have to do something creative, no matter what, I stop for a while. In that way, we get to gather more ideas by doing something else for a while. But hey, you really did a great job on that card. I wish that I could receive something like that also. Thank you for sharing this.:)


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