
The Most Important Women In My LIfe

***Don't forget to check out my post HERE to join in my month long Blogiversary Celebration! Also check out Friday's post for a great giveaway!***

Have you ever dropped over at the Method Playground challenge blog? Basically, you are looking at a fantastic group of women who put together challenges that encourage you to try new techniques and think outside of the proverbial box. You know....that one....that we all get stuck in and can't get out despite our scratching at the walls and screaming wildly.....

....yeah. that one.

So...I love the challenges and the designers are amazing, but for some reason I just don't get to actually DOING the challenges very often. You know...life and such...and perhaps a bit of that miserable box. So...I decided to jump on one the other night and I am so glad I did! The page that I created is different from my usual, but still so very me! I love it!

And the best part is that it features the two most important women in my life! My fabulous Mom and my super cute sister! I loved the colors in these photographs and I really wanted to let them shine, so I was excited to create a layout that let them stand out so strongly! The challenge was to utilize cookie cutters and since they are getting absolutely ZERO use in my kitchen (Are you kidding me? Do you even KNOW how long it takes to roll out dough and cut it into cute shapes? Seriously? Not happening around here, folks. I'll stick to cupcakes, thanks! LOL!), I figured I'd pull out a set of heart shaped cutters and trace them to use as masks on my layout. Here is the result!

Oh, for the cuteness of it all! I love it! Really. I do. It makes me smile. Big. Just say'n.

I hope you have a super fabulous Tuesday and I hope that you will challenge yourself to step out of said proverbial box today. What do you want to do? It doesn't have to be craft related - maybe make something new for dinner, try a new place at lunch, or buy yourself a top you love even if it doesn't look like the rest of your wardrobe. It's good for you. Trust me on this one. I know things.


  1. Love it! Fabulous idea to use the cookie cutters as masks!

    Hey! I was right after you on the SITS roll call today!

  2. After a six month long hiatus from scrapping, I'm trying to get back into it. Your blog is wonderfully inspiring!

  3. Aaaahhh, I love this! Such great pictures and the techniques you used rock! Great stuff!

  4. Love this! I don't even think I own a cookie cutter :S

  5. Very cool! I dont scrapbook but I started a new knitting project :) I'm making a baby blanket for my cousin who is expecting. This is my first "real" non-scarf project LOL

  6. Love the ideas! Great pictures. Looks like so much fun!
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. LOVE your layout!!! I have something for you on my blog!

  8. So I totally cheat with sugar cookie dough and buy it from the refrigerated section (Pillsbury) and roll it out and cut it then pop it in and bake it. LOL!

  9. Nice job Challenging yourself! Another fabulous layout as usual!

  10. not a scrapper, but I love what you did!

    j;ust stopping by from SITS and hope you'll do the same

  11. I was so ready to sit down and scrap today only to find that all 3 of my printers are out of black ink. FML

  12. VERY nice page! Great job with the colors!

  13. PERFECT layout...I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!


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