
**Skin MD Review and Gvieaway!**

I KNOW! Can you believe THREE giveaways in THREE days? It's crazy! But way fun! LOL! Today I am actually excited to FINALLY be able to share with you about an really great skin care product for those of us who happen to LOVE the sun!

Several weeks ago the folks at Skin MD Natural sent me a sample of their Shielding Lotion to try out and share with all of you! The problem came, not with the product, but with the weather! If any of you live in New England you know that the sun and, really, the entire summer season, was quite reluctant to visit this area this year! But, alas, we have finally seen that big beautiful orb in the sky and it's fabulous rays have been shining down in all their glory! I LOVE IT!

And, being one who loves the sun, I tend to like to lie out in it from time to time. NOW...before you all tell me that's dangerous, let me tell you that the sun has so many benefits and with a job that keeps me in a basement 40 hours a week and a commute that keeps me in a car for 10 hours a week, this girl needs a dose of serotonin now and then!

BUT...that does not mean that I want to cause harm to my skin, which, as we all know, the sun can do quite easily if one is not careful. So, the other day, I (and I will be honest, it was slightly reluctantly) tried out the Skin MD Natural - Shielding Lotion.

Can I tell you something?

I love this stuff!

Here is why:
1. It's not oily, or greasy, or slimy! I can't stand sunscreens because they tend to be all of the above and I HATE that feeling! Skin MD Natural is none of the above! How awesome is THAT?

2. It absorbs quickly. Have you ever put on sunscreen only to look like a snowman, or perhaps a ghost for several minutes after because the stuff sits on top of your skin? YUCK! SO NOT CUTE! Skin MD Natural absorbs as you put it on protecting your skin instantly without making you look like a sheet.

3. It leaves no residue or stickiness. Some sunscreens are almost visible because of the sheen or residue that they leave on your skin. They can even make you feel sticky! Yuck! Skin MD Natural doesn't do any of that, and I love it for that!

4. It works!!!! Yes, that is the best part! I can happily report that I have NO signs of sunburn after an afternoon at the poolside over the weekend! That is a good thing!

5. Even cooler than JUST protecting your skin from the sun, Skin MD Natural is a shielding lotion. It is highly effective in protecting your skin from dryness and other environmental factors that can damage it! It blocks out irritants, making way for the skins natural moisture to do it's job! My legs generally need lotion on a DAILY basis because they get so dry. Can I tell you something awesome? Since I used the Skin MD this weekend, I have noticed an improvement right away! I have been able to apply lotion to my legs less often and my legs look great! (Even if I do say so myself! LOL!) Check out their website for TONS of incredible information! It's worth your time!

Are you interested in trying out Skin MD Natural yourself? I know you totally are! Well, here is a chance to win a bottle of Skin MD Natural - SPF 15!

To enter comment here with one thing you don't like about your sunscreen and how Skin MD would be a better choice for you. (Required)

For a second entry (Optional) follow my blog and leave a comment letting me know!

For a Third entry (Optional) follow me on Twitter and Tweet about this giveaway! Leave a comment with a direct link to your tweet.

You can cut and paste the following:
Want to protect your skin and look great? Win Skin MD Natural from @JustJingle http://tinyurl.com/l45a8p

Giveaway closes Wed. July 22
Have a great day!!!


  1. Ohhh fun! I just started using those spray sun screens and they are so freaking sticky!!! I would love to this this!

  2. I follow, but you knew that already :)

  3. Dropping by from SITStas...wishing you a wonderful day!

  4. Living in Florida I use sunscreen on a regular basis. I hate the way they make me feel sticky, and then you go to the beach and have sand stuck all over your body. Not attractive at all!

  5. I'm a twit. No, you're a twit. Ooops, I meant to say I am following you on twitter and I tweeted. http://twitter.com/TinaAKAPeachez/status/2652764381

  6. I dont like the white streaks from the zinc oxide based sunblocks when you go in the water!! The Skin MD does not slough off! Nice. And it does make for smooth skin!

    I'd love to win some of this product. I have a bottle and it is running low :(

    I too have an apron giveaway at my site The Apron Goddesses. It's from JillieWillie! Maybe you are interested in that one too?

  7. I hate that my current sunscreen is oily and it clogs my pores. This looks like it would solve my problems!
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  8. I follow.
    oheeyore at hotmail dot com

  9. I've never tried it! I live in Florida...The Sunshine State. I think I could use it! :-)


  10. I don't like the my sunscreen always dries my skin out. I'm hoping Skin MD wouldn't.

  11. Twitter follower & tweet


  12. I don't like the smell and greasy residue of my sunscreen. but the one day I went out without anything i got a wicked burn! would love to try something better.

    (ps email is nussbaum@princeton.edu)


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