
It's been busy around here....

There has been a lot going on around here lately! I just wanted to give you a quick review post in case you are looking for something specific!

Wordless Wednesday....mmmm...cupcakes!

Rubber and Acrylic Stamps for sale
! Check it out!

Nothing But String Giveaway
! (This is SO cute...if you haven't entered go run and do it now!!!)

Also, don't forget to check out the fabulous sponsors on the left sidebar! Fabric.com is always having some sort of great sale! I love it! Plus, my last order shipped the SAME DAY that I ordered! That is impressive! Uprinting has all kinds of great services for your printing needs...business cards, flyers, and even great photo canvases! Check them out!

There are some other fun posts dispersed in there, too, like my Cosmo Cricket mini album post (Thank you to all who so kindly left encouraging comments! I will be working on getting a full post up to enter the contest because of all of you! Thank you!!!! I love my readers!!!!) and a post about my Tape Depot experience, too!

Thank you all for reading and visiting regularly! It makes me so happy when I see you all around here! I'm not sure what kind of posting I'll be doing over the holiday weekend. Are you doing anything exciting? If you aren't in the US is this a holiday weekend for you? If so I love hearing about other holidays that I don't know about!!! Have a Happy Wednesday!


  1. Have a great holiday weekend! Happy 4th to you!!

  2. I'm planning to try my hand at Strawberry & Rhubarb pie :) and i'll make Mr.H my taste tester!

  3. have a great weekend. Good luck with cosmo.

  4. Happy 4th! and I too love your cosmo mini! good luck!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!