
Farmer's Market - A World of Color!

Well, if you have read this blog, like, oh....I don't know.... EVER...then you know just how much I LOVE color! Color simply makes me happy! That is one of the many reasons why I absolutely ADORE Farmer's Markets! I mean, of course I love the fresh, local, and often organically grown fabulousness that is the fruit and vegetable wares, but they are also such an amazing wealth of brilliant color! I just can't help but to snap a few photos! These were taken in downtown Boston. The vendors were hilarious about me taking photos! One even INSISTED that I get him in the shot! LOL! I love it! Whoever tries to tell you that big cities are not friendly places has obviously never spent any time in one! Boston is a wonderfully friendly city...you just have to know how it works.

Here is a layout I created using American Crafts products and the photos from the farmer's market.

Farmer's Market

Do you visit local farmer's markets? What do you love about them?


  1. Love the Farmers' Market scrapbook! SITS sent me by...and I'm having a giveaway where EVERYBODY wins, so please come on down!

  2. Great pics, and I feel bad for that watermelon! (looks painful) :) Love how you used the buildings from AC here!

  3. The color's are amazing!

    Sadly, I don't usually drag my arse outta bed early enough to make it to the farmer's market, but one weekend I will!

    We have a Flea Market that's kinda close by that used to have amazing fresh fruits and veggies, but nothing near like you've pictured.

  4. great pictures and layout! I too love the colors in the farmers market but I love most about them is the lower prices for EXCELLENT fruit/veggies! Plus ain't half bad knowing I'm helping out local farmers! ;) ---

  5. I'm so fortunate to live in the Garden State we have little farmer's markets on every corner and they are all so delicious!

  6. Cute layout! Love the buildings & beautiful photos.

  7. Great page, love the bright colored photos and the papers are the perfect choice.

  8. Gorgeous layout Jingle! The Farmer's Market is one of my favoirite places. I'm a sucker for heirloom tomatoes and FLOWERS! what a great idea to scrap it. I LOVE Boston, you lucky girl, such a fabulous town! Thansk for visiting my blog and making the sweet comment. As you can see I love COLOR too! xxD

  9. Love your blog header & this page...my father-in-law is a watermelon farmer...so I'm a little biased, but I think they make great pictures! =)

  10. I do love the farmers market but I don't get there very often.

  11. That is so cute! I love the Farmer's Market. I rarely ever buy produce at my regular grocery store now. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!

    P.S. - If you get a chance today, can you stop by and comment on my Top 10 post? I would really appreciate it, and it will enter you for a chance to win a great prize!

  12. There is a fun "farmer's market every Saturday in York, ME. At their Welcome center.


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!