
No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!

Happy Monday!!!!

Okay, a couple of things really, quick...One...don't forget to check out this AWESOME giveaway for Jen Kiaba print! I received mine in the mail this weekend and it is stunning! My husband simply LOVED it! I can't wait to get it in a frame and put it up!

Also, you will notice a couple of fun things in the sidebar to the left. I now have a couple of sponsors. No, I don't plan on going nuts with that sort of thing, but I like these folks, so I figured I'd give it a shot! If you are interested, please click on the Fabric.com button for crafting purchases and the Uprinting tips for great printing opportunities! I received my order from Fabric.com on Saturday and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fabric that I got! I will share more of that later this week.

And today I want to share with you this wicked crazy cute card that I made!!!! I do love it. Even thought I made it. LOL! It was so much fun to piece together the different parts of the scene. I don't usually do this sort of thing, so I really enjoyed it!

No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed!

Also, you will notice that I dug deep in my scrap stash for this one! LOL! The Use Your Stash challenge for this week is up and it is all about mixing and matching your patterned papers! Use three different papers from three different manufacturers! Well, I took it a bit far and used a WHOLE LOTTA patterned papers form a WHOLE LOTTA manufacturers! LOL!

Here are a couple of close ups!

Monkeys card close up

Monkeys card close up

Those fabulous little monkey stamps are CTMH and I used Prismacolors and Sharpies to color them! They are SO stinking adorable!!!!

I started a new project this weekend too! Nothing I've ever done before, so I'm excited about it! I'm doing an embroidery. What I have learned so far is that it TAKES FOREVER AND A FREAKING DAY to do, but I'm okay with that! LOL! I need a craft that will teach me patience, anyway! HA! I'm totally winging it! I found a neat piece of fabric with a cool pattern printed on it, so I'm using that as my pattern and sort of making it up as I go. We'll see how that turns out. It was a perfect project for yesterday, as it rained, I had the fireplace going, the dogs were lying in front of the fire and I had cupcakes in the oven....

....okay...so I may have been channeling my inner old lady! L.O.L.! Seriously, though, it was pretty fabulous!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I LOVE it!! My youngest daughter loves the "8 little monkeys jumping on the bed" book (and song) and always gets a huge giggle out of them bumping their heads.

  2. I received the package in the mail from you this weekend! The card was adorable and I've already worn the bracelet! Thank you!

  3. Adorable!

    Just stopping in from A Window Into Whimsy to say thanks for entering the giveaway!! And thanks for the bloggy love. ;) To get your feet wet in the world of craft fairs... consider doing a farmer's market... less expensive, less risk. :) I love doing it becuase you are outside on a beautiful day. :) good luck in the giveaway!!

  4. hey lady you know what i did this weekend lol look at my blog. eeeek! love your little monkeys those are sooo cute.

  5. Impossible to look at that without smiling or singing the song...

  6. LOVE the card! It is absolutely the cutest!

    I have been channeling my little old lady too...I started crocheting again:)

  7. I love your card - it is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Love your monkey card!! So adorable!! Thanks for playing along with the Whimsy Blog Hop today!! ;)


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