
All The Colors of the Rainbow!

Sharpie goodness

Just look at that! No. Really. Just LOOK! Isn't it the most wonderful thing you have seen today?! I love Sharpies. I really really really love them. They make me happy.

Sharpies from above

Do you want to know what else makes me happy? The Hubbums. The Hubbums makes me really really really really happy. I love him even more than I love Sharpies. Really! Guess how I got these fabulous brand new, wonderfully scented, brightly colored sticks of goodness! GUESS!!!! Yup! I came home the other day and right there hanging on my key hook was a HUGE package of wonderfulness! Pure, unadulterated Sharpie goodness!!!! The Hubbums bought them for me 'cause he knows I love 'em like crazy! They have these great 'limited edition' cafe colors! PLUS...there are TWO, count 'em, TWO different greys in there!!! Combine that with the greys that I already have and I can do some seriously fabulous shadowing and shading! Oh, for the joy of all things Sharpie!!!!

Sharpies make me happy.

The Hubbums makes me super duper happy.

Scrapbooking makes me happy, too. And I actually did some!

The Use Your Stash challenge this week was to use PAINT! So, I grabbed my can of chalkboard spray paint and had a little bit of fun!


I used a pre-made die cut as a mask to create the paw pattern on the bottom of the page. I was running late with this one, so it didn't go up as my official DT page, but I wanted to share it with you guys in hopes of encouraging you to get out your paint and participate in the challenge! Don't forget...if you do all of the challenges this month you will be eligible for one great big prize!!!

To add some extra detail to my layout I created a border using my VersaMark pen on the bottom of the page and then I heat embossed it with clear powder to give it some extra oomph! The top border is just a thin strip cut from patterned paper. Super easy and it made such a difference when I added it to the page! Here are a couple of close ups.



I also used a bit of acrylic paint under the 'unconditional' sticker so the words could be seen clearly. I love the way that part turned out! Overall, I am actually really happy with this layout! The subject matter doesn't hurt, though. A man and his dog. It's a wonderful thing!!! I really love the photos I have of the two of them together. They are always better off when they are together.

Let me know what you think! And don't forget to stop over at Use Your Stash to check out the challenge!


  1. Great Job! And I'm lovin the sharpies! What a great guy you have! I think I will have to get me some sharpies too! Hugs from Texas!

  2. OOoh I love Sharpies too!! How sweet of your honey to surprise you like that! Mine bought me this gorgeous vintage camera once - just cause he thought I should have it. I got all sniffly! =)
    And you have created such an awesome piece of art! I am in awe!!

  3. On this rainy morning I really found joy in looking at that bucket of sharpies! I get all crazy when I look at crayons too!lol! I love your blog. I'm glad Jen Kiaba had twittered about you this morning---it was perfect!

  4. Jingle your sharpies are to die for and the LOs are fabulous. I love them!!!!!!!!! You are soooo talented!

  5. Ah yes, another office products junkie like me! Sharpies are the BEST! Love your doggy card!

  6. I too love sharpies! Especially the big pack with ALL of the colors..oh and the silver ones too!

  7. Love the Sharpies! I've never had anything other than black and silver (for getting NHL player autographs). I really like your layout, especially the paw print border. Good job

  8. Thanks for sharing. I love all the detials..

    living creating & appreciating
    ~my blog

  9. Colorful sharpies make me happy too! Great collection you have there.
    Great layout!

  10. Ha! Your love and passion for sharpies made me laugh. Great job, no wonder you love them so much, oh and your husband too!


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