
Thousand Words Thursday - Tell me the story....

Cheaper Than Therapy

Once again, here we are on Thousand Words Thursday.
If you have visited my blog on Thousand Words Thursday before, you know the drill! If not, here's the deal. I truly believe that photos can speak. I believe that they can inspire. I believe that they tell a story. Some with a few words, some with a thousand words, some as thick as novels. As adults, we don't exercise our creative thinking abilities as often as we should, so, on Thursdays, I like to carry us all to a place that gets those fingers just itching to write a story. That brings us to Thousand Words Thursday.

I encourage you to embrace it! Write something! Anything! Let the photo carry you away!

For More Thousand Words Thursday posts check out Cheaper Than Therapy!
Also check out these great Vintage Thingies Thursday posts at Colorado Lady!

The photos I share are all mine. Please don't steal them. That would make me cry. And pretty mad, too, actually.


  1. Haven't seen one of those in years!

  2. I am sure that old cash register could tell a tale or two. I like to use my old vintage things to stimulate creative writing. It is lost on us as we grow older when the stories should be flowing out of us. Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Makes me think of Mr. Olsen on Little House for some reason, tho I think that was way after his time!

  4. Some days I just feel like I'm living in the wrong era. "That's $12, would you like me to add it to your tab?" You don't even see that in movies anymore.

  5. Cool old cash register. I remember using one similar at the grocery store were I worked. Long before bar codes.

  6. Great cash register; is it your's or did you find the picture online?

  7. Great old cash register. Happy VTT, have a lovely weekend.

  8. Cool cash register, not sure if I have ever seen one like that before.

  9. There's a restaurant in town that has a cash register like that. When they ring you up they do the whole dramatic thing (it doens't work anymore) then they tap on the calculator, LOL!

    Happy ATWT!

  10. Ooh, vintage cash register...love it (makes me think of Gilmore Girls!)

  11. Love it! I have my hubs an antique camera for valentines day

  12. Now thats a cool blast from the past!

  13. OH! My dad had one of these in the old garage when I was little! I loved it and vividly remember sitting in the dirt playing with the buttons :) Thanks for reminding me!

  14. Wow that is old! My grandma used to have one I played with when I was younger. TFS

  15. Your photo is gorgeous, so moody and evocative. I think I *could* write a story just based on that photo!

  16. I love your cash register, something about the old ones that have a certain charm. Thanks for participating in VTT. Sorry my comment is so late, I have been out of town.


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