
A Peak to Prove I really do still Create now and then!

Wow! Sometimes it amazes me how quickly time goes by and yet how long it takes to do so, kwim? It seems like it was ages ago that I was in Memphis and it really wasn't that long ago at all and now all of the sudden Easter is upon us and all the insanity that goes with that! Fortunately, I am not doing anything for the church Easter musical this year, which is a nice break, as I've been heavily involved in the past, however, Sean is still Jesus, so that means the next couple of weeks are jammed with rehearsals, bruises from when the gaurds accidently ACTUALLY whip him and the usual minor scrapes and such from the whole cross thing, and, of course, he is fighting the flu, as, it seems, he always does at this time of year. It just figures!

Fortunately, I have grabbed a bit of time in the last couple of nights to do some fun stuff. I got my layout done for the April Use Your Stash challenge! The Challenge will be posted on the 5th, but I will give you a sneak peak! I gotta tell ya...I growned when I heard the challenge, but it took me out of my box and I am SO in love with the layout I created for it! I can't wait to share it with you!

April Use your Stash Sneak Peak!

Also, April is Refer a Friend Month over at Use Your Stash! If you haven't already checked it out, you totally need to! If you are a scrapbooker or a papercrafter it is a great way to take out those supplies that you have sitting around and actually USE them! Even the 'old school' stuff! LOL! Let them know I sent ya' and then invite all your friends! This is a great month to join in the challenge, too, because, while it was a bit tricky for me, I think for many it will be a fairly easy one! Join the fun! We have a fantastic design team that I love being a part of! Kim and Corey ROCK, and you get stuff CREATED!!!! That's a good thing!

I've also got a mixed media canvas that is heading toward being done soon! LOL! I know...that's pretty specific, huh? HA! No, really, I should be able to wrap that one up fairly soon because my vision is coming through for it and I look forward to sharing that, too!

Finally, after all this blabbering, I have seen a lot of folks doing the good 'ole Q&A thing. So, I figured I'd jump on that boat, too! Go ahead and leave any questions you have for me in the comments and I will do my best to answer them! They can be about just about anything within reason, so if you've wondered it...go ahead and ASK!

Have a Happy Wednesday and Welcome to April!!! (please tell me this means that spring will ACTUALLY show up soon!!!!)

Jingle Out.


Check out my giveaways!
Glade Fragrance Collection Coupons - Ends 7 April
emagineGreen Elemental Bag Collection - Ends 7 April


  1. I'm bad at thinking up questions on the spot. Hmmm... How do you stay so cheery all the time? Is it the craftiness that keeps your spirits up?

  2. Hey Jingle I just wanted to let you know you won a prize on my giveaway. Let me know where to send it. Congratulations!

  3. saying Hi from SITS! :)

  4. Can't wait to see your project. I have so many challenge blogs I wanna participate in. Maybe I can manage one of these.


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